PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


4 min read

By: Mangong Mawien Madut, in Kampala, Uganda.

The  disagreement on Abyei between the two nations South and North Sudan has not only Worried the natives of Abyei but the people of South Sudan
Wherever they are,  in the country and in diaspora. The country which Was recognized  internationally in 2011 the Republic of South Sudan is not fully resting now due to its inexhaustibility dispute with Khartoum government on Abyei. In May 2011 the Sudan Armed Forces were ordered by Sudanese president Omer el Bashir to invade Abyei militarily which resulted to  displacement of thousands of Ngok Dinka residents who were dwelling in Abyei. Their houses and properties were emphatically pulverized by Sudan armed forces (SAF) and other loyalist armed militia groups who were involved in the fighting. It was actually regrettable attack against the Ngok people.

I (author) was enraged when I saw a number of  (IDPS)  from Abyei under trees in neighboring area Turalei county in Twic Warrrap State where some of
them were accommodated in the houses of their relatives and some were living under the trees.  We thought the so_ called united nations (UN) would have robustly, promptly intervene and condemn an invasion of Abyei and huge displacements of its residents. But UN did nothing  absolutely. There was no pressure given by UN to Sudan government to compensate the properties burnt down by their armed forces. In such terrible situation who should be blamed for failing to bring the lasting stability to Abyei region? An attack whereby unarmed civilians are killed whether old or young by armed forces. Where is UN? UN forces have a liability to protect civilians and their properties but did  they tried their best to the same thing in Abyei crises since 2008 when war began? The anwers will remain with readers.

Abyei has been a dispute area since the interim period government of South Sudan in 2005 till South Sudanese said bye_ bye  to Khartoum regime in 2011 after conducted a free, fair and tranguil referendum. It has taken a long now without knowing where Abyei belongs officially between the contesting States. Historically, culturally, socially, geographrically etc Abyei is a part of South Sudan but temproray transfer done in 1905 without knowing what will be its causes in the coming future has now brought headache and worry on how Abyei problem will come to an end?. How long does UN wants the Jieng Ngok to suffer before getting their rights? I remain without verily answer because the people of Abyei and South Sudanese have been waiting for so long to hear a decision of UN for the future of Abyei but nothing is heard or seen. Several summits have been attended in Addis ababa Ethiopia by Salva Kiir Mayardit and Omer el Bashir about Abyei and other areas but single implementation has never been done due to Bashir ‘s ignorance. The Africa union(AU) and United nations (UN) are just good at calling  Omer el Bashir and Kiir Mayardit to discuss about the pending issues but monitoring on how two presidents are committed in responding positively to what have been signed hasn’t been seen from the two organisation ‘s leadership since.

The international community and the UN would have one day sit to discuss and find out the final and  best solution to the ongoing competition between the two countries South and North Sudan on Abyei instead of prolonging their intercession. They have a mandate to pressure the NCPand SPLM to stop militarization and engage only in political negotiations in order to make sure that the two States will never attempt to go back to war again if there are some sorts of military intimidations  seen to be involved . It has become clear  to South Sudanese that  Sudan government is eliminating out the Ngok ‘s natives who are fighting for Ngok Dinka right. The organized and political assassinations of paramount chief Kuol Deng Kuol in the last months of Misseriya armed men is a barbaric and internationally condemable.

UN must sue the Sudanese leadership to explain obviously how did  Abyei chief was killed in an area under its authority and control. The Misseriya leaders and NCP the ruling party in Khartoum must be accountable for  killing the hero chief of the Ngok people. Omer el Bashir must have knowledge in murdering the chief if drastically interrogations are taken . AU and international organisations would have seriously consider the referendum of Abyei to be conducted  in scheduled period  which was signed in the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) by late Dr. John Garang and Ustaz Ali Osman Taha in Kenya 2005. The rights of the Jieng Ngok to choose where they wanted to go has to be respected and implemented so that they have peace and stability in their area like other people on this world instead to live in fear always.

Author is a South Sudanese at Cavendish University in Kampala, Uganda. He can be reached at mangong120@gmail. com 

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