PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Security Sudan to US: Stay away from Juba, Khartoum dispute over Abyei

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MPs Ponder Talks On Dismissal Of Justice Ministry NomineeOye! Times

557 dated September 6, 2013 the South Sudan Daily newspaper, The Citizen quoted Manok with critical comments over decision by the national assembly that 
Japanese firm to lay a 2000 km pipeline to export South Sudan and Sudan Tribune

Japanese firm to lay a 2,000 km pipeline to export South Sudan and Uganda’s oil  Kyodo, a Japanese news agency reported last week that Hiroshi Suzuki, 
Security Sudan to US: Stay away from Juba, Khartoum dispute over Afrique en Ligue

Karti said the Abyei question was strictly an issue for Sudan and South Sudan  According to the official Sudan News Agency (SUNA), Karti was commenting at 
Afrique en Ligue – ‎
Sudan has hailed the ‘positive development’ in its relations with South Sudan following the recent visit to Khartoum of South Sudanese President Salva Kiir. The Sudanese Foreign Ministry said in a statement obtained by PANA here Monday that the visit, 
Afrique en Ligue – ‎‎
Security – Sudan has made it clear it will not tolerate any US involvement in its dispute with South Sudan over Abyei, an oil rich triangle the two countries are contesting. This leaves the matter in the hands of the African Union (AU) and in line with agreements 
Sudan Tribune – ‎
September 16, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government has said that economic sanctions imposed by the United States on the country is adversely impacting South Sudan as it cannot import goods through Port Sudan. The director of the U.S. bureau 
Sudan Tribune – ‎
September 16, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – A new video was posted on YouTube showing a Sudanese police officer flogging an unidentified woman in public marking the second recording of its kind the last two years. JPEG – 26.5 kb. In 2011, a similar YouTube 
Sudan Vision – ‎
Khartoum – The Sudanese government is optimistic that the joint cooperation agreement with South Sudan will succeed, citing the breakthrough made in the security arrangements dossier. Rapporteur of the Joint Security Committee from the Sudanese side 
Sudan Vision – ‎‎
Khartoum – Minister of Finance, Ali Mahmoud said that China is a strategic partner for Sudan in development projects, praising the role of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce in the development of economic relations and assistance in various forms to enforce 
Sudan Vision – ‎‎
The Sudanese – Chinese relations have reached the level of strategic partnership, politically and economically. The political dimension has witnessed important meetings between the National Congress Party (NCP), and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Sudan Vision – ‎‎
Khartoum – The Minister of Minerals, Kamal Abdul Latif said that the Sudanese – Chinese talks were positive, where they dealt with the development of trade and economic support work between the two countries. During the talks, which took place yesterday – ‎‎
Khartoum — Assistant of the President of the Republic, Musa Mohamed Ahmed, Monday received in his office at the Republican Palace the Dean of Fine Arts and Design Faculty at Al-Mustaqbal University, Prof, Hussein Jama’an Omer, and discussed the 

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