PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Is President Kiir Gearing Up to Fire SPLM SG, Pagan Amum?

3 min read


  1. Why South Sudan’s ministry of foreign affairs needs major reforms?

    Sudan Tribune-7 hours ago
    September 21 September 2013 – This policy brief is an attempt to decry in good faith a situation faced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and …
  2. Kiir Hints At Removing Suspended SPLM Secretary General

    Sudan Tribune-5 hours ago
    Aweil — South Sudan president Salva Kiir on Saturday hinted that Pagan Amum, the suspended ruling party (SPLM) Secretary General could …
  3. South Sudan raises oil output to 240000 bpd, most since shutdown

    Reuters Africa-Sep 20, 2013
    JUBA, Sept 20 (Reuters) – South Sudan has increased crude oil output to 240,000 barrels per day (bpd), its petroleum ministry said on Friday, …
  4. South Sudan’s Kiir accuses army of corruption

    Sudan Tribune-Sep 20, 2013
    September 20, 2013 (JUBA) – The South Sudanese president, Salva Kiir has accused the country’s forces of corruption, saying it had been …
  5. S. Sudan’s Kiir ignores Abyei issue at Aweil public rally

    Sudan Tribune-2 hours ago
    September 21, 2013 (AWEIL) – South Sudan’s president Salva Kiir on Saturday surprisingly avoided mentioning, at a public rally in the Northern …

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  6. Panning For Gold In South Sudan, A Gram At A Time

    NPR (blog)-Sep 15, 2013
    Digging a trench under the punishing midday sun, Thomas Lokinga stops only when he needs to wipe the sweat from his face.
  7. South Sudan’s Kiir begins three-day Bahr el Ghazal tour

    Sudan Tribune-Sep 19, 2013
    September 18, 2013 (WAU) – South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir has begun a three day tour of Bahr el Ghazal region, attending an occasion …
  8. Seven Arrested Over Death of E. Equatoria Chief

    Sudan Tribune-Sep 21, 2013
    Juba — Seven people have been arrested and detained in connection with the recent killing of a head chief in South Sudan’s Eastern …
  9. Sudan Vision

    South Sudan: A third alternative to the oil pipeline proposal

    Sudan Tribune-Sep 17, 2013
    September 17, 2013 – To say that the new state of South Sudan, a country with over 80 percent of the population illiterate and more than 50 …

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  10. Written by David K. Deng, The New Sudan Vision (NSV …

    New Sudan Vision-Sep 20, 2013
    (Juba, South Sudan) – In 2012, the South Sudan Law Society (SSLS) and Pact-South Sudanconducted a household survey on access to …

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