- Amer Mayen Dhieu, the author
By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Australia
Between 18th and 19th century education was least consider from around the globe. Families where too focus on survival. Around 20th and 21 century many countries especially in the Western world, Asia and part of Middle East and Africa begun to realise how important and powerful education is. This article articulates the important aspects of education. The main focus is how education work on a personal level.
EDUCATION CAN CHANGED YOU FROM HUMAN BEING TO HUMAN PERSON: These two term are somewhat similar however they are different in meaning. The word “being” is that pure human with basic skills that were given through creation. Such skills include the ability to cook, get married, have children and basic reasoning capacity. On the other hand, “person” is that type of the human creature that have gone beyond just “being”. This type of humans are those that have the ability to see a thing beyond normal capacity, people who have the ability to explore what is within and outside.
I WILL COME TO THIS IN A MINUTE. To make this clear lets takes the example of Adam and Eve before they ate prohibited fruit. Both were pure beings. Though they were aware of other things around them or know exactly where they were, there were hidden things beyond their consciousness. Thing they don’t know they exists and things they know but have no capacity to analyse what they really where. After they ate the prohibited Fruit… Adam and Eve become aware of the living creatures around them. Thier minds were wide open to see things within. They were also aware of their present surroundings and whats missing such as being naked. They were open minded about what to use to cover themselves. Though education might not be called prohibited fruit. Its powerful and can ventilated mind to explore more than what a normal human being can do.
EDUCATION GIVES YOU POWER OF REASONING: In School of international relation they said “war can be used as last resort”. This is what education does. Regardless of the situation in hand educated people always struggle to find alternatives ways one after they other. And in every alternative they considered precautionary principals of each decision, its hazadous side, how it might affect and to what extent. Educated people are also open to challenge. They took it as a helpful practice rather as an offend. Educated people are hardly offfended or intimidated. This is because they became aware of your motives even before you put them into practice. They are hard to be intimidated because they knew “every dog has its own day”.
EDUCATION MAKE YOU AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDING. Educated people consider those around them. These include thier views about things, thier needs and thier interest. For example during conversation educated person can wait, listen and response when the need be. They are also open to be challenge without hesitation.
WHO IS AN EDUCATED PERSON? We are all aware that there are two type of education, “formal and informal” but it is also significant that we acknowledge there are two type of educational knowledge “formal and informal”. Its however depend on what type of education you takes that determine the type of knowledge you have.
WHICH ONE IN BETTER THAN THE OTHER? In contemporary world, there is an increasing level of formal education especially in Western world. This is because many job such being a pilot need more than a basic knowledge. There is also an increase of technology which require technical skills. In addition these two type of education works differently in personal level. Informal education give you skills to do certain job while formal education give you both skills and knowledge.
IS EDUCATION ABOUT GETTING A JOB? I have heard many people bullying those who have certificates, diplomas or bachelors for working in a low paid job such as meat factory. There are different reason to why people went to school. Some goes to school to get knowledge, change and get into thier future career. Other people goes to school to learn and get job. Some of our graduates have both attributes but the environment they lives in sometimes leave them with one attribute such as get knowledge and no job. Whatever the case an educated person always remained as an educated and csn never be compare with uneducated.