PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


By Doggie

…Who still cares about the Beef between the Minister of Information and the Media…Who cares about the endorsement of the Media Bills by the President…Who cares about the beef with the Governor of Central Bank over Pounds Devaluation…Who cares about Lecturers beef with the Ministry of Education…Who cares about the Ngok Dinka Referendum Results for Abyei area…Who cares about Probes into Chief Kuol Deng’s Death…Who cares about 2013/2014 budget Priorities…Who cares about the lifting of Austerity Measures?

Who cares about the Japanese construction of Freedom Bridge across the Nile in Juba…Who cares about the Kuwait Fund for Economic Development pledge to construct the Juba – Malakal road…Who cares about the Standard Railway Gauge from Mombasa to Juba…Who cares about the Korean Millionaires who signed contracts to invest in South Sudan…Who cares about the Egyptian investors pledge to invest in aviation, river transport, road and bridges construction?

Who cares about the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) plan to upgrade a 341.2km Nadapal – Juba road from gravel to paved (bitumen) standard….Who cares about the LAPSSET Project…Who cares about Total Oil Company resuming oil explorations…Who cares about the New oil Refineries in Meluth and Bentiu…Who cares about 1billion USD made from oil proceeds in September?

Who cares about the Appointment of the Board of Trustees of the Pension Funds…Who cares about the 44 companies that presented business proposals after the Investment Conference…Who cares about South Sudan’s access to the US markets and the terror-free, quota-free basis as part of AGOA…Who cares about South Sudan Debate on joining East African Economic Bloc?

Who cares about Human Rights Watch reports on Abuse in Pibor…Who cares about the killing of civilians in Twic East…Who cares about the bombing of Jau and troops build up along the border with Sudan…Who cares about DDR anymore…Who cares about the transformation of the SPLA…Who cares about the 11,000 “ghost” names and reforms at the Ministry of Interior…Who cares about the establishment of Wise People’s Commission to strengthen cooperation between South Sudan and Sudan?

Who cares about Unity state changing its name….Who cares about the resolution of the Governors forum on Transparent and Accountable Service Delivery for Local Development…Who cares about the 2million litres of diesel provided to Juba Teaching Hospital for 6months un-disrupted power and water supply…Who cares about Civil Servants Performance Contract to improve Service delivery…Who cares about the plans to downsize Diplomats…Who cares about the IRI opinion polls on Citizens Expectations?

Who cares about the 2014 Population Census…Who cares about Political Parties Registration 2014…Who cares about the National Constitution Review Process 2014…Who cares about the March SPLM National Convention…Who cares about the National Healing and Reconciliation Conference?

– Some Promising and Potential plans we had…But WHO REALLY NOW CARES?!!

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