PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan’s Military Should not Have Meddled in Partisan Political Rivalries

17 min read

The Republic of South Sudan’s Military shall have been the backbone of our Republic not a Political Party supporter

By Deng-ajith Duot

In general terms no doubt that military is one of the largest organizations in any states, automatous and the Republican counties like the Republic of South Sudan.  It is extraordinary true that dysfunctional military can make a miscarried government of the day. For instance, many countries like the United States of Americans, Britain, France, former USSR now Russia, the Republic of China, the Republic of Iran, the state of Israel, Egypt and many others countries in the world with well-organized armed forces. Naturally any sovereign state’s government had to build military institution; an institution which can provide a country with people comparable late Gen. George S. Patton and General Colin Powell both who served in the United States army with great honor.

As far as Sudan concerned in reference to Sudan’s people liberation Army (SPLA). In other words, a former rebels group who fought under the ideology of ‘new Sudan vision’ later transformed into comprehensive peace Agreement (CPA) deal signed in 2005 by Late Dr. John Garang De Mabior and the Khartourm regime of Omar Al-Basire of the National Congress Party (NCP) whom was brought up by the National Islamic Front (NIF) in 1989 coup.  In particular the SPLA rebels had it thriving trained soldiers and combats people who would win their operations in most cases. These people included Kurbino, Nyuon and Arok who had the tactics in place in order to execute their military offensive efficiency and effectively. To put it more simply, the SPLA won and control most of the Sudan country side during the struggle period before the disagreement came into play.  It really gives us a clear picture of how important military skills tactics are very decisive during war times.

Not only when a military becomes divided along afflictive and ethical lines, the nation suffered and experienced great upheaval militarily, politically, economically and socially. Due to lack of organizational transformations from rebel military to stable national army forces.

First and foremost, to build a well-trained army forces in a country corresponding the Republic of South Sudan. Firstly, a country need to establish a military Academy and police Academy and at the same time developed foreign relationship with countries which had already established military and police schools respectively.  Furthermore, if these aims are achieve, the primary focus point of military in any nation would be really achievable in both short terms and long terms runs. And the strengths of military personal would be much greater compare to what had happened in our beloved south Sudan Army Forces during the recent political differences in the ruling party SPLM.

As consequence, by establishing these institutions in a country, a government of the day must make sure they finance these institutions in order make them work effectives and productive. So that the can produce a professional army combats and leaders of today and tomorrow in both the army and the police forces.

As a result by doing these programs, it will provide a country together with army leaders and police forces leaders who care about their duties in time of external aggression and domestic threats to the nation. And not backing up any political Party that is very identical to what has materialized in the Republic of South Sudan in mid-December last year.

Moreover the aim of the army in any country in the world is to protect it broader, its territories’ and defended the constitution of the governing system of it states from invasion by another country. The military shall have been the backbone of the country not a political party support.

In regard to the transitional constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011 chapter ten stated. The military is better known by it name of South Sudan Army Force (SSAF) not Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) anymore. Since the Republic of South Sudan got its independence from the Republic of Sudan on the 9th July 2011. The former rebel group change its name or transformed automatically or assumed it new name at the same time from Sudan’s People Liberation Army (SPLA) to South Sudan Army Forces (SSAF).  The current governing party in south Sudan is Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM). Any south Sudanese is very sure it was a political wing of army struggle which at the same time was handing by so-called SPLA high commands.

As for the recent five (5) weeks war in the Republic of south Sudan that began in one the south Sudan army units of the Presidential Guards on Sunday night. As results, this war had cost South Sudan a great lost in term of human lives, properties and leave our nation in state of unexpected environment for the next ten (10) years or so. Especially the military of SSAF had loss it strong men and hopes during Jonglei operation and rebellion.

Furthermore, according to BBC News African, the South Sudan Army was ambush in operation conducted which led to the killing of a general in Juba-Bor road in Pariak. After all, it’s very important see how untrained soldiers with no military skills with their leaders can be scatter like the one shown on BBC video. If you click the link below as it is the evident to prove what I am talking about.

What is more, our military weakness had caused much of greater loss of human lives in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile. Therefore, they above video had shown us that our soldiers do run around like chickens which saw a snake at the back yield. The chicken would just run into no direction to exist for their lives. This is how our soldiers had failed so much to show what they are paid for.  Thus there is no skilled in combats operation it is prove during Bor attacked and ambushed.  They are paid in order defended the nation, the people, the resources and off course the whole constitution from whoever is engage in warfare to take an elected power mean that is unnecessary to a democratic principles of the world.

As we always thinks and talked of military being different with a political party around the world.  Our army leaders totally failed to differentiates their motives with the once of ruling party SPLM. It does not gives SPLA privileges to support SPLM party because one them was a political wing while other one was military campaigned during the struggle period of 1983-2005.

In my deeply opinions, I think because the SPLM party is the one running the affair of our country.  No question these had given SPLA general to still thinks and focus like they are a military of SPLM Party and not a country army forces.  Hence I personally think this is a time in which the  name of ‘South Sudan Army Forces’ must be taught to any single solider in order he or she can be able to understands that military roles are so different  to SPLM party roles. SPLM party is a political party which is very different from military organization in most countries. South Sudan Army Forces resembling South Sudan security’s origins. In my opinions in thinking that any armed personal now in South Sudan’s army is fanatic to SPLM Party rather than the whole nation he or she is wearing the uniform off.

Another significant problem I have seemed or predicting in South Sudan army Force is that every solider is supporting any person in political live. The recent split within the Tiger Battalion known as presidential guards or Republic guards in South Sudan is because many of army personals in this battalion are loyalist to both Dr. Riek Macher Teny, SPLM-led opposition chairman as they have current name themselves or Pres. Salve Kiir Mayardit.  They current man in charge of the South Sudan Army Forces and at the same times they president of the Republic of South Sudan.

On the whole, coup or coup attempted is something which usually occurred in countries that are lacking of democracy ideals and rules of law whereby legal president is elected. In most case, coup  tend to happened in countries that are locating in third world, you never and will never see a well off nation like the United states or Norway leaders wanting power by force.  The people would seat down and talked debates and elect leaders who are qualified to run the nation smoothly.

For instance, the Republic of Sudan have experienced many coup which outer leaders and bring new leaders into power.  This has happened before the independence of the Republic South Sudan two and half years ago. There had been couples of coup plotters and leaders, for examples, Col. Nimeiry overthrew the elected civilian government of Ismail al-Azhari 1969. In addition, again in 1985, he was ousted by his minister of Defense, general Swar al-Dahab, who later gives power to the government of Sadiq al-Madhi.

And finally the last coup in the Republic of Sudan is one of Captain Omar Al-Bashir in 1989. However, the most important aspects of this coup are that they are always bloody and full of execution as followed the elimination of the Sudanese communist party (SCP) front runners like Joseph Garang were executed.  Yet the Sudanese army forces constantly stand differently with whoever achieved it power from previous government.  The National Islamic Front (NIF) did not form it military to kill its people. Politics is very different with military in the old Sudan but it does mean it rule out.  And this is what South Sudan Army forces need to understand.  Being in a uniform mean a lot to individuals who choose to play these roles; every civilian looked up our soldiers as he/her king because of the duties and responsibilities in at hand. The excepted handle a political climate in protective manners not like what took place in Juba from the 16th, 17th and 18th of December 2013 were other ethicist where targeted by the same national army.

However, once like me the authority of this article is very disappointment when our military turned against their owned civilians instead of the enemy. By Killing an unarmed person is big crime in the international stages. And they people who ordered this massive killing can be charge of war crime and crime against humility if justice applied its true color in South Sudan.

Besides all of these mess in Sudan regime, there is another important regime in Egypt, during what is known as the ‘Arab spring’ Hosna Murbarack stood down and the military took over and made one the decisive election that brought about President Morise of the Muslim brotherhood.  Even though down the track on the 3rd July 2013, the military once again outs president elected and took another control o of Egypt state’s affair. They army did not killed it citizens similarly to what had occurred in South Sudan.

Furthermore, the South Sudan Army Force is full of Generals that had an ideology of tribalism who served in ranks and files of nation’s Army Forces. This had led to the rebellion of many army leaders included major-General: Peter Gadets Yak who rebels and murdered thousands of innocent civilians in Bor-Town and with other counties in Jonglei state. It also led to they took over of governorship of Unity State by major-General James Kong Chuol and other junior officers who took up armed conscription youths from Nuer tribal.

Yet, they leaders of South Sudan Army had failed significantly not to preach the South Sudan Army Force name into their combats and other security origins mind. The generals in South Sudan Army Forces are serving the nation of South Sudan not their tribes. The rebellion of Peter Gadets and James Kong Chuol demonstrated a clearly indication of military that is supporting tribes, political party or any other politicians who is either serving in the national parliamentary post.

This is because they leaders of the army forces are not qualified leaders to run a professional military of a country similar to South Sudan Army Forces.   To conclude the summary of these, if the Republic of South Sudan does not build institutions that might provide our nation with well wishes leaders of today and tomorrow. Therefore, the current situation in south Sudan will always repeated itself if there are no government initiatives about our military development and modern warfare.

The Problem of Rebel leaders coming back and joined South Sudan’s Army Force:

Equally important any south Sudanese with right mind he/she is always in position of being unsatisfied with South Sudan Army integration policy of un-trained soldiers and leaders. These people just need only powers for them to be integrated into the Army Forces. For instance, the recent moved by the South Sudan Army Forces made by welcoming back General. David Yau Yau without punishment is a big shame to our military. The say usually told us ‘we learned through our mistakes’. But the question remained, is South Sudan Army Forces yet not aware of their mistakes?

It’s seemed to me that SPLA or SSFA had not yet learned through their mistakes in the pass. Again by integrating major-General Peter Gadet Yaak has resulted in death of thousands of people and left my people without homes and millions of dollars looted in Kenya commercial Bank (KCB) in Bor, Unity and Malakal respectively. The list of deaths included our bravery men like major-General Ajak Yen Ajak, Brigider General Abraham Jongoor Deng, Brigadier-General Maree Akon, and Lt-Col. Dhieu Mading and etc. And plus many more leaders and soldiers who survived with sustained injures or wounded whiles on duty fight in one the most useless war south Sudanese had never fought for. I would rather than term this war as war of mismanagement, power hungry and poor leadership in place all over the country from the army to civil servants.

If there was or there were or it can be justice in South Sudan, people like David Yau shall had be sent to prison without question until he face justice for unlawful crime he had committed with his colleagues in South Sudan. This man was fighting a war without justifications, objectives and reasons so he can wins south Sudanese publics. In my own logical thinking, he deserved punishment in form of being jail or sent to ICC for act under his directives in Jonglei state and other parts of South Sudan.

Additionally, he must not been put back into uniform as he wishes. Thus, lack of SPLA or SSAF commitment to justice and equality. This is why such people are welcomed back and joined the ranks and files without charges on the basis of their wrong doing or crime they had done to the south Sudanese population at largest. The atrocities both men had committed are amounted to war crime that they must be indicted to the International criminal court of law (ICC).

They three Governors of three (3) State’s contributions into the current national crisis

For those who followed South Sudan state’s affairs known exactly what roles did they governors play radically? It is important to highlight some of their wrong doing that might has or had led to current nation disaster in character.  The roles in which the three Governors emerged on the platform to play unbelievable game that led to the current national political turmoil. Firstly, the governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Paul Malong Awan together with Governor Nyandeng Malek of Warrap state. They had form militia that was trained illegally without the knowledge of the General chief of staff. Gen. James Hoth Mai. They minister of Defense and veterans affairs General Lt-General Kuol Manyang Juuk.

Substantially, many concerned south Sudanese accused both governors alongside with the national Government in juba of creating a problem that had drop our nation back to its dark days of struggle. More importantly, great deals of deaths in matters of days and weeks.

Above all, as we learned that a professional military must announced it recruitment of national army forces nationwide. Because the recruitment cannot be done in one part of nation and leave other parts of the country not inform of the army development in case of recruits process and selection criteria. It is very difficult situation to understand with complex things involved. Genocide can occurred easily because few states had their men and women trained unknowingly which can generate genocide like the Nazi Germany of 1939 leading up to Second World War (WWII).

Equally important, the last Governor that had involved himself in the problem is major-General Matur Chur Dhuol. They Caretaker Governor of lakes state, who recent made operational combats in his state in regard to a former Vic President Dr. Riek Macher Teny defeater who had rebels against the government of Gen. Kiir Mayardit. Consequently it is very bad indeed, if the South Sudan Army Force General Headquarter is not persuading the rebels. Why the governor involved himself. This can be seemed as a tribal war rather than national war between the government forces and the rebel forces that had defeated.

The failure of South Sudan’s security Departments and the national security agencies

Generally, south Sudan’s securities department had failed miserably beside the national security (NI) in both the internal security and external security origins. What is more is also the failure of the central Investigation Department (CID) and the Military Intelligent (MI) of South Sudan Army. These national agencies shall have been serving our country from going into this senseless war between rival groups in the army force. Yet there are many questions unanswered by General Kiir’s regime. In the one hand, many south Sudanese often asked was this war really brought about by coup attempted plotters. While on the other hand, was it an insider Job as Peter Adwok appealed in most of his writing at this particular stage.

Although, for our country to maintain it sustainable peace in years to come. The current government should establish an investigation team to carry out a thoroughly investigations. This team must make sure they investigate all parts involved in the fighting which had broken out. Also to identify why was fighting becomes an option in the presidential guards battalion known as ‘Tiger’.

In the same way, major General Marial Chanuong Yol at this time must be put into consideration in the investigation process. In my own opinions, Marial had been in the SPLA epicenter focus point in the struggle until now. Marial has been another Peter Gadet inside SPLA or SSAF while Gadet practice it killings and murdered of leaders outside the ranks and files of the South Sudan’s Army forces.  I think Marial would know much about the current chaos hided our country. If it true that enough is enough, it a time for him to go and service part of his live in the correctional center.

Uganda Dictator President: Mr. Yoweri Musevenni’s intervention into the Republic of South Sudan’s Affairs.

There are always reasons behind and around the intervention of a foreign country into another country’s political affairs. As we have witnessed many interventions during crises. The most recent examples are, the United States with its allies. As per, the Global Policy Forum (GPF)  on October 7, 2001, the United States launched military strikes against the Taliban regime in retaliation for the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. The debate continuous weather the USA shall or should not intervene.

Another important intervention is the American intervention in Iraq in regard to the weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The Bush administration campaigned to achieve version of finding a WMD in later date after they spend so much resources on war in both Afghanistan and Iraq respectively.

And then the most recent inferred of North Atlantic Treaty organization (NATO) into the affairs of Libya that led to the death of Col. Gaddafi. Above all, the whole summary of Americans involvement in the operations in the mid-east North Africa can be term as war of natural resources deposit. In the same manner, the Ugandan’s people Defense Force (UPDF) under the instruction or authorities of its commander in chief Mr. Yoweri Museveni. In principle there is a clear bilateral relationship involved between the Ugandan leader of the national Resistance movement/Army (NRM/A) now the ruling party and the SPLM/A of General Kiir Mayardit of South Sudan.

What took place in south Sudan had resulted negatively in term of human lives, but few months ago, I wrote an article that was published in juba monitor, South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) and many other online website including paanluelwel.  As shown below using the links. I was hoping knowing that the revolution is not finished yet. Meanwhile, the current revolution of rebelling was not an option to me rather than democratic revolutionary within the south Sudanese political establishment and institutions.

My Recommendations to the Republic of South Sudan’s Army Forces (SSAF):

South Sudan’s Army must begin building and developed military and police forces Academy to generate leaders of today and tomorrow.

The Army General Headquarter must developed foreign relation with world first class military schools like West Point of United States of American (USA) and Royal Military School Academy of the United Kingdom (UK).

The SSAF must be offer course programs in practical operation combat, training to teach leaderships and professional skills required in the army.

The must have River Nile guards to avoid further scape of whoever wanted to take power by forces. It is clear that Riek Macher left the capital Juba through River Nile.

SSAF Army must adopt policies of sending people like Peter Gadet Yaak and David Yau Yau to jail for their wrong doing. The crimes these generals committed are much horrifies and need the international criminal court (ICC) to handle them.

Integration of un-train militia into national army must stop from now on.

They people of Northern Bahr el Ghaze must stop giving gifts to military commanders. The recent gift to Governor Paul Malong Awan . The South Sudan’s Army is duty is know very well who to be Awarded with pride and metal through recognition of their hard-work and patriotic.

Governors must stop coordinating military recruitments if it is not a national recruitment of people to join the army force.

Uganda’s people defense forces must withdraw its troops in and around south Sudan’s capital. Otherwise, we they South Sudanese might took this as an invasion indirectly like what the USA and its Allies did in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

In conclusion, building military institutions in the Republic of South Sudan will decide defining movement of the South Sudan’s Army Forces nature. The current country national army is untrained, they had zero tactics and talent in their fields is out reached. The army is just paid military without delivering services needed from them by civilian’s population. And lastly is very true that our military is full of tribal mindset generals who had forgotten why they are in proud uniform of South Sudan Army Forces.  In addition, transforming the military now given the experienced we saw in the last 5 weeks of war will gives better military and armed personals in years to come as better soldiers than the current stage. The strong military is an essential to our nation.

Thank you all!

Deng-ajith Duot is a South Sudanese. He is residing in Australia, state of Queensland. He can be reached at email,

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