PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


Chollo Global Action have been closely monitoring the national crisis in South Sudan which started as a power struggle within the ruling party (SPLM), but quickly turned into a military confrontation with an ethnics tone as the rebel mainly comes from a single ethnic group.  The bulk of the current force fighting the government of South Sudan is the so-called White Army which is a savage tribal bigot militia known for attacking their neighbors with or without cause. Evidently, the current war in South Sudan is an attempt to seize the power by force in order to fulfil a prophecy of a traditional African-religion leader believed by his community to be a prophet.
Currently, the national crisis require a peaceful long lasting solution that will prevent South Sudanese from experiencing such ugly war again. It is unbelievable that the war has killed 10 thousand and displaced a million people is a short period of time. The economics devastation is in billions of dollars and might crippled the country to its knees if it continues with the current pace.
Malakal city the capital of the oil rich Upper Nile State has been captured by the rebels three times in this short period of time and it seems that every time they capture the town the rebels are growing more brutal and systematically targeting the Shilluk.
 Reports coming from the NGOs in the town depict a gloomy picture and expose a human rights catastrophic massacres, gang rape of elderly and underage ,destruction of properties, and looting in a way that have never been experienced before in Upper Nile  Community.
The inhuman attacks on the patients in the Hospitals and the random shooting at the vulnerable seeking shelter in the churches reveal that the rebel intend to wipe out the Shilluk Community.
Chollo Global Action is alarmed and disturbed by the killing of uncle Eng. Angelo Othow Nyikango, Eng. Achongrial Nyawello, Ustaz Ezra Obor, Ustaz Ywomo Daniel Othwol and many Shilluk intellectuals who were targeted by the rebels and the savage so-called White Army. We strongly condemn these killings and hold Dr. Riek Machar and the rebel’s leadership accountable and responsible for the lives of these innocent individuals.
CGA, strongly condemns the rebels for firing at a fairy carrying women and children who were trying to get out from Malakal city.  We hold Dr. Reik Machar responsible for the death of more than 150 souls who perished as a result of this barbaric shooting.
CGA, condemns Simon Kun Poch, the governor of Upper Nile State for failing to protect the citizens of Upper Nile State from rebel’s attacks.  Simon Kun Poch has failed, and it is time to appoint a caretaker governor who can bring security to Upper Nile State. Three times the coward governor has escaped the town and left the civilians behind though he is the one who urged them to return to town and gave them false assurance that the town was secure. Time alone will tell if Simon Kon Poch is a dual agent who represent the government by day and the rebel at night.
CGA, call on the national military to rescue Malakal and its inhabitants and to recruit more Shilluk youth to protect Malakal from the savage so-called White Army.
CGA, appeal to the regional governments in East Africa Region to support the SPLA and UPDF in their combat against the rebels. The UPDF intervention have saved so many lives as the rebels attack on Juba could have cost many lives. Those calling for the withdrawal of UPDF are rebel’s agents and enemies who want to see South Sudanese kill themselves endlessly.
CGA, call on the UNMIS adhere to its mandate and protect the civilians even outside its camps.  We condemn the killing of civilians in the UNMIS camp in Malakal.
CGA, calls on the UN, AU, EU, and the entire international community to pressure the rebel to withdraw from Malakal and its surrounding.
CGA, call the Shilluk community to support the government initiative for mobilization and urge all the able bodies to join the training camps to stop the barbaric killings and the immoral rapes.
CGA, calls upon all the peace loving people of the world to condemn the anarchy created by the rebels in Upper Nile State.
CGA, calls upon the IRC in Malakal to escort Shilluk youth from the UNMISS camp to go and bury their dead and retrieve the bodies that are decaying in the houses.
Finally, we commend all the peace loving people who have contributed to the peace process and donated humanitarian assistances to the IDPs. We thank the neighboring countries for welcoming South Sudanese who are fleeing the senseless war.
We urge the UNMISS and the International Community to investigate the killings of innocent civilians that occurred in  Juba, Bor, Akobo, Malakal, Baliet Bentiu, Leer, and Parieng  and to refer the culprits to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Collo Global Action is a nonprofit organization that champion the concern the citizens of the Shilluk Kingdom as well as promotes the Human rights and democracy in South Sudan.
If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with CGA leadership, please email us at

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