Salva Kiir and the Future of South Sudan: The 4 Things you must Do.
Salva Kiir and the Future of S. Sudan: the 4 things you must do.
By David Aoloch Bion

Your Excellency,
The future of South Sudan is in your hand, it is your moral responsibility to throw it in to abyss where it struggles to raise it head above the water or you put on the top of mountain where it will shine forever among the families of the nations
Your Excellency, you have failed in leadership. You got 49% in your decisions and actions since 2005.
Here are major 14 things you got wrong since 2005
- You have failed to keep your own words, you said there would be ‘’ Zero Tolerate on Corruption’’ but there is chronic corruption in the public sector, bribery at the police , looting at night by National security, nepotism, incompetency across the country. You said ‘’1991 Crisis’’ will never repeat itself, it repeat itself more than what it was on December 15. This is one of the painful failures
- You failed to remove ghost names in the government Pay sheet.
- You failed to try former Minister of Finance Akuein Chol in Court of Law for theft.
- You failed to force 75 big thieves (men) pay back 4 billion dollars. This is second worst failure.
- You failed to supply Juba City with running water like Renk County. Renk is the only county in South Sudan with running water.
- You failed to electrify Juba city with power like Renk County. Renk is the only county with power supply 24 hours.
- You failed to launch Big Infrastructure Project, the Triangle tarmac road that is Juba – Malakal – Wau – Juba road. This would have connected three great region of South Sudan this your third major failure.
- You failed to arrest George Athor on April 27, the day Athor ordered SPLA forces to leave Khor Fulus. On 30th April, Athor attacked Doleib. Here ‘’prevention is better than cure’’.
- You failed to put Gabriel Tanganyi, Peter Gatdet, David Yau-yau on trial in the court of law for the crime, they committed in Bentin, Malakal, Jonglei.
- You failed to run four government Universities. They are ruin
- You violated the constitution of South Sudan by issuing Republican Decrees granting amnesty to some criminals, who should be tried and punished for breaking the laws.
- You failed to put former ministers Deng Alor, Kosti Manibe on trial for stealing 8 million dollars.
- You failed to define yourself politically, ideologically because your style of leadership does not reflect full democracy nor full dictatorship, if you were full democrat you would entertain nonsense of democracy, like campaigning before election within the same party as your friend Riek was doing , criticism of yourselves in the same party as your friend Pagan was doing. …etc it is their right to as they like, If you were dictator, you have entertain no nonsense, you would have PREEMPT (preempt is key word in autocracy) , you deal ruthlessly, coercively with anyone who whisper any rubbish against State. In dictatorship , State is public power machinery that protect people and their property, and there is no one , it is repeated, there is no one in whatsoever case can point his small dirty hand at or open small dirty mouth against STATE as your friends were doing without risking wrath of state full force of the law at the big hand of state security apparatus .
- You failed to arrest Riek Machar on December 7, because on December 6, Riek released a statement that if his wishes were not fulfilled, “South Sudan will be in chaos, disorders and in abyss” Politically this statement is war rhetoric or is tantamount to the declarations of war. There are certain things you can , joke, hesitate with , but with national security matters , don’t ignore even a baby mocking you with a toy. Here ‘’prevention is better than cure’’. This is fourth major failure.
Here are the major 6 things, you got right since 2005
- You signed Juba declaration in 2005, putting other Armed Groups in SPLA. This created good atmosphere and the unity of South Sudanese, which was jeopardized on December 15.
- You declared the Independence of South Sudan. this was full implementation of CPA
- You constructed Juba – Nimule road.
- You released 7 rebel sympathizers, whom you detained in connection with coup December 15.
- You prevented Juba city to become another Mogadishu in Somalia as it was predicted before by the Prophets. of doom
- You accepted peace talk with Riek rebels.
Here are major 4 things you must do before you leave the office in 2020
1. Stabilization of country within 2014 by resolving Riek problem
Your Excellency,, you must stabilize South Sudan, you must put it back on track , to normalcy by either you militarily defeat Riek or you peacefully resolve problem by creating the post of Prime Minister or 2nd Vice President within 2014. . Mind you, never replace James Wani Igga with Riek again in the Interim Government . This will make chance of Riek becoming President very high. God may take you away like John Garang; Riek automatically can become the president. This will be an INSULT and DESECRATION to victims of 1991 and 2013 wars of Riek. Riek must be denied presidency at all cost. It is true, Riek can’t overthrow you either in Coup d’état or armed rebellion as we saw on December15, but for sake of innocent children who are malnourished in Gulyar, Maluth, you act like a father.
2. Building of Triangle tarmac Juba – Malakal – Wan road starting 2015, Mr. President you must stop your policy of “everything is priority” your resources are limited. You must apply the principle of High Priority ranking; you must put all resources for the next 5 years, 2015 – 2020 for triangle road that will connect three great region of South Sudan this will facilitate development. Some men and women in Malakal have chance of doing something that will take them out of poverty in Juba but they have no money to board plane from Malakal to Juba. By construction this triangle road, the people will be traveling easily on the road. This will be your second greatest achievement after the declaration of Independence.
3. Signing into law the Presidential term limits in the Constitution in 2015.
Your Excellency, you must imitate the US president George Washington who signed Bill of Rights in to law, it was an absolute law , the US constitution has been amended many time and BILL of Right has never been amended You must sign into law two 5 years term limit for presidency in the Constitution South Sudan, the President will have a two term limit in power. If you don’t do this, even the Dinka people whom you are proud as united now, will be divided, imagine a situation where a Dinka from Rumbek is president, another Dinka from Aweil contested against him. . This president from Rumbek will rig the election 5 times. What will Dinka from Aweil do? It will be military coup or rebellion, the good example is between George Athor and Kuol Manyang in Jonglei , all of them were Dinka. Two term limit is best solution of good governance this will be third greatest achievement in politic.
You yourself, you must set an example of the term limits. You have now qualified for another term in 2015, which will end in 2020. So in 2020 you must peaceful transfer power to president democratically elect by 51% by all South Sudanese. From there you kill for us muor ci cuaai and mong xer and we wish you a safe journey to village. this will be fourth greatest achievement in HISTORY