PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Are Youth and Intellectuals in the Diaspora Failing South Sudan?

4 min read

By Mama Junub

What else! I can’t get my head around it. The infamous December 15th was a heartbreaking event, a turning point and most of all an infamous breakthrough to the Diasporas. Amen, I have observed a major change. It seems most of these people where dreaming to be politicians. However, the way to get through was nerve-wracking. Finally, they found their new career through blood of elderly people, disables, women and children.

I have seen butchers who have been there for more than eight years pursuing absolutely nothing but butchering, and now have turned out to be the most active participants in media politic. Wow, I thought they never want to be politicians. Surprisingly, after the massacre of two tribes in South Sudan, some took that unfortunate occurrence as a chance to be heard.

And that bring me to the million-dollar question: is the weirdly confusing nature of South Sudanese something in their genes? Still I can’t wrap my head around it. They said people change with time. Neither do I believe in it. Anything can change your perception but the suffering of South Sudanese innocent civilians has changed nothing but a pathway for clueless youths interested in politic but can’t manage to study that at school.

I felt sick in stomach every time I log on social medias. It feels like a participation board for political students studying simplified case scenarios in Politic Science 101. Well, only if they were being rational enough to know what cause the horrible war and what procedures should be taken to restore peace and order in our country, would someone take them seriously.

Academicians around the world have put that in countless books, ready to be read and implemented through rigorous academic studies. There are numbers of major political and military theorists out there who have struggled through World War One to World War Two, and through major historical conflicts such as that of the Russian revolution that resulted in the formation of the Soviet Union, the French revolution and the American revolution and Civil war, all prior to the Cold War.

At times brave men and women sat down to create essential approaches to stop senseless wars and bring about long lasting peace. Intellectuals of these theories are being hired nowadays as political experts by world leaders to intervene and create policies either foreign or domestic that promote peace, harmony and social prosperity. They are hired to create such policies for the government to work things out amicably. These people are neither Ministers nor Presidents but pure intellectuals and academicians.

For South Sudan, as well as the world, to be peaceful it doesn’t need shallow theories created at meat factories, but rather a real academic world where one can study, research, evaluate and analyze things theoretically and applied them practically and pragmatically. Youth must understand that the time for “give war a chance theory” has gone. This theory was created back then when the world was competing for hegemonic title and we got that one already.

Fighting between tribes of the same nation is something that no one should play with for it distracts a nation from socio-economic development and political maturity. Moreover, it sows disharmony and endless disputes among different tribes and peoples. Not only do I expect these diaspora youth to develop peace strategy but also a just system of governance inspire by fairness and transparency. It doesn’t take a governmental position to do this but a brain to establish a productive society.

At the meantime, South Sudan is not looking for who does what but who will do what. Bad politic has been in practice ever since before December 15th military uprising. Many were murdered in cold blood by government’s secret services. Elderly people have been forced to beg on the roadside (something South Sudanese elders have never done before). Shopkeepers have been whispered to be performing rituals to take away customers from their fellow shopkeepers.

Orphans and destitute mothers are being left homeless on the street. Yet, these are the cherished children and beloved wives of our dear martyrs. People in the villages across the country are being slaughtered in their very own homes by the white army. Other most mindboggling sins have been repeatedly reported here and there in Juba alone.

Is this the nation we fought and aspired for, and to be proud of? We need different leaders to clean this mess. Not again those who bankrupted the nation! Not again those who brought war, death and destruction to our beloved nation! This country has had enough of them and their shits.

To hell with liberators turned looters and murderers!

Mamajunub@ 2014

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1 thought on “Are Youth and Intellectuals in the Diaspora Failing South Sudan?

  1. thank you for your advice but some mothers behaved like the youth, some loot too

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