PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

David Yau-Yau: Letter of Appreciation to President Salva Kiir!!!!!!!

3 min read

From: The Governor,
Yau Yau State,
Republic of South Sudan.

To: President of South Sudan
Republic of South Sudan.

Dear his excellency,


It’s with profound honor and respect to write this letter crediting you for the brave and heroic decision you have taken to accept our proposal of having our own state (Yau Yau State).

You are very visionary and missionary leader that South Sudan needs at this critical time. We will support your government as the citizen of Yau Yau state. With our blood and flesh, wives and mothers, brothers and sisters, we are ready and willing to die for you Sir.

Also, do not mind about Riek Machar and his rebellion. We will not join him, and you know that according to MoU we signed last year with your government. Of course, that is between you and us, and no dog outside there has any idea about it. You see, we are keeping it cool as you advised us to; surely you can count on our promise now. Don’t listen to those Bor people who call us unreliable, child abductors and cattle rustlers.

That is our God-given right, and they can go to hell to rescind that heavenly decree. Who doesn’t know that all the cattle on planet Earth belong to Murle and Murle alone? They wanna complain about that the same way they grumble about your divine decrees. I hope they are not fretting about the decreeing of our new, noble state, a state we won with blood and flesh.

Be also mindful of the Bor people, don’t let them use this opportunity of the state you have awarded to us to create their states of Kongor state, Gok state, Duk state, Athooc state and so forth. They are clever, and you should keep them away from you.

Don’t be fooled by Makwei Lueth, remember Lueth mean a lie/liar in Bor Dinka language. I respect Kuol Manyang though I dread him. Majak Agoot is another one, but your excellence has already taken good care of that, shukran Bany!

I understand that you wanna decree King Paul (Malong Awan) a full Minister for National Security soon in Juba, congrats bany! Get rid of that Latuko call Mamur, place him somewhere else. I understand he is an SPLM/SPLA war veteran and national hero becoz of his war records but this is time for power grab and self-enrichment, not war. Put in your people in key positions and you will be secured like Yau-Yau.

Don’t you ever mind those cockroaches that accuse you of messing around with elected officials!! The law is there to be broken, hahaha, but the fools don’t and can’t figure that out. That is why they are fools!

Long live comrade Salva Kiir,
Long live SPLM!
Long live the people or South Sudan!
Long live the citizens of Yau Yau State.

Yours faithfully,

Yau Yau State,
Republic of South Sudan.

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