PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

President Kiir’s Speech after Releasing the G4

2 min read

Dr.Jok Madut Jok: “The speech I wish my president could deliver in the parliament and broadcast widely.

“To Naath who lost their relatives in Juba and Bor, to Jieng who were killed in revenge, to all the citizens of this great nation, all of whom have been immeasurably affected by this four-month old conflict, I apologize, that i did not do better in protecting you, that our country and its government has fallen short of the its utmost duty, the duty of protecting every human life and property

But what has happened cannot be undone, and the people who have died cannot be brought backIt has been a lost to all of usbut more wrongs cannot right the past wrongs… please don’t take any more life.

I have just ordered the release of political detainees in an attempt to open a new page. I only have exactly one year left in office before the next elections. Whether i will run for a second term or not is irrelevant, but you will all get a chance to elect the leader of your choice and if i run again, you can choose to send me home at that time. But now let us sit and reconcile, it is clear no one can decisively win this war.

The only win that should count to you is a peaceful settlement of this nasty war. Once again, i am sorry for everything that has happened, for i am the president and i take responsibility for everything that has happened under my watch, whether i have done it personally or not.”

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4 thoughts on “President Kiir’s Speech after Releasing the G4

  1. I seriously agreed with this speech its best ever, and deserved to be for given, I now believed that there are still better people who cried for our country out there.

  2. The speech delivered by President Kiir after the released of political detainees lacks substance, accountability and solution to the conflict. I wish the president could clearly address the issue of accountability and apologized to individuals that he arrested for no good rationale. Mr. Kiir needs to be forthcoming on that issue and he missed his opportunity. In addition, the president started out his war selling on false notion of coup which has insufficient euidence. It is time for him to resign and allow the people of South Sudan to choose their next leader who cares for them. And this president must carry his cross to the Hague.

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