PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why the Dismissal of Leaders is a threat to peace in South Sudan

9 min read
Why the policy of being sacked out in the government and the interest of ruling the country threatening the stability of the country! What does all this have to do with killing people?
By Daniel Machar Dhieu
 When, we look at ourselves within our communities (tribes) in South Sudan we were exposed to inhumanity experiences by then and now, we would deeply wonder at the night-game which almost failed the nation and almost turned us into crisis due to unlawful decision made by Dr. Riek Machar former vice president of South Sudan, and his colleagues to overthrown the elected government through violence. However, the process surprised many people both within and abroad for education person like him to think negatively toward his people. It is very clear that, human brain appears designed to kill. Our brain does more killing of people. Perhaps this is one reasons so few of us become butchers, and this may be the reason we do not hear young children saying they want to be butchers when they grow up otherwise it make senseless vision to our young nation to brain-up our people like this.
After all, it is why we prefer not to meet the animal our meat comes from. Most of us would convulse at the smell, the slime, the blood and the gore at the village. Despite what appears to be the natural human abhorrence to killing and dead things, a human still kills. We kill because of jealousy, anger, hate and greed. We kill alone and in groups. We hunt and corner our prey; we plan and plot murders and then we justify our executions in order to appease our consciences after the deed is done. It not a crime to recommended Dr. Riek Machar As a good lecturer for massacre, he did best to Bor People in 1991, and again in 2013 now, but there end for any journey.
Sometimes we kill to protect ourselves from those who would kill us. We also kill as acts of vengeance. But segments of our brain-thinking appear to know something that other-sides do not. One of the most scholars Patricia of church-land (America) in her highly informative book Brain-thrust tells us that the human brain functions in modules which may not always communicate with each other. She points out that this is the reason we may receive a cut on the body and not become aware that this has happened, as a module of the brain that should have registered pain, has, somehow, not communicated with the section of the brain-sense that should have informed the messenger module about our wound. It is only when we see the blood trailing us, or someone points out that we are bleeding, that we become aware of our injury. This is quite common in moments of trauma when the human brain is far more occupied with helping us escape than using its limited time and energy resources to notify us about blood dripping from the back of the head; something we may not be immediately be able to do much about anyway.
Being a president or become a president! What does all this have to do with killing people? It is relevant because it reveals how the human brain works or engages in diversion policy in order to secure our survival as human beings on a planet where interpersonal and international conflicts are quite common and where the need to kill always arises. In an extremely, highly religion-infused area of the world such as the Caribbean, the idea that killing a fellow human being becomes a necessity at time is difficult to gulp down, but that does not make it any less true. The fact that human beings find it necessary to kill at times, however, does not cause the human brain to accept it or like doing it. It is a necessary evil which, if becomes tasteful to the human brain, would take us cross the border into barbarism.
The human brain therefore designs mechanisms or comfort zones to which it resorts both before and after the act of killing fellow human beings. During the 1994 Rwandan genocide the instigators of the slaughter sent their people to kill, not fellow Rwandans and human beings.  Also, in 1991 during Nasir faction Dr. Riek Machar and Dr. Lam Akol sent out their troops mainly lou Nuer to killed Bor community (people). However,   it is easy to kill a rat; it is not so easy to kill a fellow human being. A similar thing takes place when the white army confronts the Bor people: the Bor people are not human as their though term Bor people an “animal”. It is easier, as far as the human brain goes, to accept the killing of an “animal”. fact of evidence (yichology) indicates an unfortunate side-effect in regards to this type of nomadic pastoralists army-murderers, it is the subliminal disregard for women that shows herself when gangsters equate the screaming or panicking male victim with that of “behaving like a girl“.
It is easy to take his life if he is “girl-like” in his reaction to fear or pain. But this aversion diverting killing programmed into the human brain is not only apparent in gansterism; it is also seen in war and preparation for war. The attempt of the human brain to accommodate tasteless act of killing becomes clear when those about to be killed are referred to as insurgents, terrorist and infidels. In light of this realization I cannot prevent a shudder when I hear young men referring to each other as “dogs” and young women referring to each other as “bitches”.
Therefore, our South Sudan Politicians seldom admit the existence of, or even embrace, complexity. Admitting that problems are complex whether one is in government or sitting on the opposition a bench confuses people and can create a perception of indecision or even weakness, so politicians usually plays unproductive game always full of crisis and confusion. They believe the public is stupid and will think the politicians are doing something about a problem when they announce a new initiative or an amendment to the law even when the quick fix is going to change nothing or make things worse.
But surely voters are not stupid. Well, some are suspiciously daft. In the coming election we will not vote any party, but we will vote for good human’s leaders those who kept their profiles or conducts at rightful way More than one percent of voters will not vote any greed leader in this nation again. We are able to depend our right. However, things used to change by then, that is why quick fix solutions swift-on backfire against citizen, and now at some point voters or citizens will turn against the politicians who have sold them a dud policy or programmed or have promised them the world and delivered nothing.
The policy of giving colleague, relatives and friends guns to fight government and take over leadership through violence or force, does not qualify you as a good leader to lead this nation. The question remain who will you lead after killing people? I have to commend, it was unreasonable that innocent civilians were killed or shot in the crossfire between government forces and criminals forces. I therefore, called them criminals due to their act of killing in Bor, Malakal and Bentiu or I could term them that they have adopted Tielological policy because their heart overall by hatred (Tielology) there is no doubt, many got killed on this baseless war as people mess-up a lot, and also In the course of any duty the innocent used to be victimized. In this particular situation where you are caught in point with criminals, innocent people are going to die not deliberately but in the exchange of fire. They are going to be caught on the wrong side, not deliberately but unavoidably.
Those of us who are not important enough to be protected by National Guard or well equip person, will just have to look for safety. Instead of dodging criminals, we will now have to dodge both criminals and the government forces. We will also have to fork out millions of tears to pay for all the civil claims from the family members of all the innocent civilians unlawfully executed by the either by security agents or rebel activities across the country. I therefore, asked the government to get fully committed to amendment a section concern of the Criminal Procedure Act to be soon tabled in Parliament not later than this year, lawmakers have to  amended the act in terms of emphasis on the word necessary to remove ambiguity in the law for the benefit of this nation as  stated that if someone suspected to have committed a serious or violent crime resists arrest, the police may use such force as may in the circumstances be reasonably necessary to overcome the resistance or prevent the person concerned from fleeing.
There does not seem to be any ambiguity there, but my suggestion does not change the law in such a way that individual police officers will not easily be held accountable when they shoot and kill civilians. Talk is that, the amendment will aim to limit the necessity of individual policy to use their discretion when they start shooting. There will be a rule that can be mechanically applied and as long as the police officer sticks to the rule everything will be fine even if a few hundred civilians are murdered in the process. The problem is that, our current parliament in South Sudan cannot easily broaden the scope of demonizing the process of criminology   in this manner as the exercise of discretion is inherently required by our Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, and trains the security personnel to understand the constitutional policy to respect the dignity of the beloved citizen of that particular nation. However, all the security forces have to be alert of the important policy of an arrest in the nation.
The problem for the security agent seems to be that this approach requires police officers to do that rather difficult thing, to think and to use judgment in stressful situations where the wrong decision could have fatal consequences. The ethos of a human rights culture as the judgment makes clear will always require security persons to exercise discretion, as it requires them to weigh various factors and make a decision about whether it is allowed to shoot and kill a person believed to be a suspect. The way to help the security persons  is not to change constitutions which will give police officers a false sense of security and will lead to more security Officers being charged with murder or culpable homicide – but rather to train good security personnel in-order to monitor the situations. A security agent was quoted on the street this week as saying that you cannot teach security person how to exercise this discretion and that it is all about having the right instincts.
In the same way that one can train a rugby team to improve its attacking and defensive abilities, one can train police officers to help them make better judgments in cases where they find themselves in stressful and potentially dangerous situations. This kind of training should include both a theoretical and a practical component. Police officers must actually be trained to understand what the law requires (not very difficult, but obviously something that bamboozle many in the police force as well as in the Ministry). Then they must be trained to sharpen their skills to apply the law in practical situations.
In my point of view, it is a complex issue.  So, instead of doing something that will be difficult but will really make a difference to the nation the politicians always want to violate the law. In the end this will not help us as citizens or the government. We will all become more frightened of the security persons while security agent themselves will wrongly think they can now act like cowboys until they find themselves in the dock for murder.
The writer is the Student at South Sudan University of Science and Technology (SSUST) you can him reach through email and 0956408640

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