PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


6 min read

By Chol Deng

Every normal citizen in the whole world will want his country to rest on capable arms “A leader is a dealer in hope not a dealer in despair” Napoleaon Bonaparte

Funding war at every level and everywhere is an expensive thing that every citizen will have to endure in terms of economy not to mention the one’s head which is always on demand should the fire spark at the speed projected by the architects who care less about their subjects.

On the inception of the conflict on the 15th Dec 2013; South Sudan became dark for the innocent children, women and elderly people, as the war was mispronounced for the Dinka and their Counterpart Nuer throughout the country, this was the beginning when the two largest tribes started to fear each other like angels and demons who always expect confrontation should they cross paths.

To the readers just make your own research and you will find that, every bullet of Ak 47 is bought at a minimal price of $5 and the machine itself is bought at $700 plus the cost of shifting all these in large scale, not mention the cost of big artilleries which will be a great deal if analyzed properly then we will realized all of us have betrayed our own country, and also don’t forget to think about how much it costs us to maintain the foreign troops on daily bases.

That means every bullet fired to discipline “a greedy brother who wants to take power by force”, or the other “greedy brother who wants to remain in power by force” as the accusation goes on, is depriving every child from the packet of milk daily and surely for the next decade or more not to talk about building a classroom that will let us have healthy brains in the country, something forgotten already

The cost of the same bullet is depriving every citizen from getting a daily bread because it is creating a very small space that skyrocket the demand and create scarcity instead.

Jesus in the book of life put it as a warning to everyone who wants to work on a certain project to sit down first and account for a cost in order not to get everything into a mess, ”Kings sit first and account the cost of war before waging one”

South Sudan at its infancy stage found itself bounded to a situation in which it cannot free itself or her inhabitants from, because those who compelled the situation did not sit and think twice before sliding the nation into the current military engagements.

Waging war as the heading suggest is a very expensive cost that is met by all the citizens simply because all the wealth that was acquired whether legally or illegally in the last seven years of a little peace was flushed out in a matter of less than a month, a fatigue to the living ones.

The other aspect of meeting cost of war by the citizens economically is that, all the developmental pockets are being emptied and diverted to funding this famous or infamous war that everyone including our president called insane war, and every moment you spend moving on the street you feel like your head is going to burst into pieces anytime from known or unknown fear we (SS) help to create.

Under the sun that shines for all regardless of how important or less important, we are going to have another generation to grow up in a distorted environment and by doing so; no one will be spared from the consequences of carrying this cross.

Most of our brothers who are living outside the country are calling for sanction against this country of their origin but if it is effected then all of us who are in Juba will go and overcrowd Nairobi and Kampala not knowing they are the ones who will shoulder the cost of living in the cities as the Nairobi is not valuing $100 anymore.

This situation could have been controlled if there was one trusted man or anyone who trust himself enough to avert the rolling stone that hit everyone’s butt, but unfortunately there was none as Hitler put it that “one man should step forward out of millions to stop the suffering”

This country is a country where people begin to oppose their government once they lose their jobs and it should have been clear at this point that any patriotic citizen should not be incited for the benefit of few individuals, it is said that “those who ignore the history are doomed to repeat it”

For us to restore a peace already lost will need an extra mile to go which is difficult given the circumstances surrounding the Addis Ababa mediation by the IGAD.

It is no secret that the negotiators and mediators are holding their folks to fill their pockets with the European’s Euros donated for the mediation of talks, and have time to rest in Hotels ranging from Sheraton to best Hotels your memory can hold for you in Addis.

The war is already a daily bread to some families, and a big project to climb ladders of leadership and restructuring the system which was abandoned as an excuse to come back.

I don’t even know which group will have their prayers answered, the few families holding their spoons on the table in Addis or the countless families leaking their hands around the country, nevertheless I believe God is a God of justice.

Now we have a third block trying to force their way by selling their idea of taking part in the negotiation, yet they rejected the accusation for having played any role in the attempted coup, of which some remained in detention until they were released while the rests were released earlier all of them denying the charges.

This third block might be having a hidden agenda or the government didn’t gather enough evidence to have them on rebels side or be on the government as some claimed, because there is no point of having a third block to play a role that they did not initiate after the Dec 15 or accept when accused.

To me it is either they (3rd block) should choose one side than doubling up on the national matters before they could tarnish their images in a nation that they contributed a lot in its conception and birth.

I thank the president for having changed his mind to release the eleven; it relieved the citizens from the tension of daily frowning.

What amaze me is the fact most of our politicians are confused by the books they read or the proverbs they hear, some are trying to be tough like Hitler in the world that is not ready to receive another Hitler and other are trying to be tough like Obama in the world they can be Obamas, two opposite worlds that needs a person probably with unheard stories in order to captivate we the innocents.

I will end here by advising my fellows who have reached the flat form of patriotism to act nationally and those who have not reached to act in a way they will be accepted as patriots in their own manner than copying and pasting situations that are applicable here

Chol Deng is an affected citizen who would want things to end in such a way that, rights of all citizens opted for. And he can be reached at

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