PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Hyena and Sheep: a short Story

2 min read

By David Aoloch Bion

A sheep was walking in the forest. The Hyena saw him. The hyena moved with rattling in the grass. The sheep heard something moving but he was philosophical.
“The real being doesn’t run for what he has not seen”, the sheep said inwardly. The sheep continued to walk on the path.
Hyena came slowly. He seized the sheep, the sheep cried with dying sound. The Hyena told the sheep whether you cry in blood or tears, your world has ended today.
The Hyena did not munch the sheep.
“I know, I am finished, but my soul is the one resisting” the sheep said weak voice
“Your life is in my teeth, but I will give you a big window to jump out. If you waste it, the creator will not blame me”, The Hyena said.
“Give me that window, so I can try my luck”
‘’Tell me three truths and I will not eat you‘’ Hyena said.
If I tell you three truths, will you not harm me?”

“I swear by Hunger that I will not harm you.”
The first truth is “If I go later and I tell the sheep and the people that I meet the Hyena, they will not believe me” the sheep said.
“Astonishingly, it is right” Hyena said.
“The second thing is, ‘’you are satisfied, you have eaten enough.”
‘’Well done‘’ Hyena said.
“Third thing is ‘’you have eaten many sheep and cows.”
“Intriguing‘’ Hyena said.
You go Mr. Sheep, your wisdom defeats death.”
“Animals, one’s wits sets one free.” Mr. Sheep said as he walked away

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