PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Press Briefing on the Visit of H.E. James Wani Igga to Uganda, 13-17 June 2014

Press Briefing on the Visit of H.E. James Wani Igga, the Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan and the Deputy Chairman of the SPLM to Uganda, 13-17 June 2014

Ladies and gentlemen of the Press,
Thank you for coming to this Press Briefing.
1. H.E. James Wani Igga, the Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan and the Deputy Chairman of the SPLM, visited our sisterly country Uganda from 13th to 17th June 2014.
The objectives of the visit were:
(a) To brief the South Sudanese Community in Uganda about the peace negotiations and the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation process and urge them to select their representatives to participate in the national dialogue conference;
(b) To brief H.E. Yuweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda about the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation and discuss bilateral relations; and
(c) To brief H.E. Edward Ssekandi, The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda about the peace negotiations and the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation and discuss bilateral relations.
2. The visit was very successful and the objectives that I have just listed were achieved:
(a) His Excellency the Vice President and his delegation and members of the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation Organising Committee briefed the South Sudanese Community in Uganda about the peace negotiations and the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation at the International University of East Africa on Saturday 14th June 2014.
The meeting was attended by more than 2000 community members. His Excellency also met with the leaders of the South Sudan Women’s Association in Uganda and the Executive Committee of the South Sudan Students’ Union in Uganda. He also briefed the media at the Embassy of the Republic of South Sudan in Kampala yesterday.
(b) In addition, His Excellency and his delegation met H.E. Yuweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, at the State House in Kampala on Sunday and briefed him about the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation. His Excellency also discussed bilateral relations between the two countries.
(c) Today His Excellency met with H.E. Edward Ssekandi, The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, and briefed him about the peace negotiations and the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation process. He also discussed with him the bilateral relations between the two countries.
3. Sudan Tribune misrepresented the statement made by His Excellency the Vice President on the interim government at the South Sudanese Community meeting in Kampala, Uganda, on Saturday 14th June 2014.
It reported that “South Sudanese Vice President, James Wani Igga said members of the SPLM-in-Opposition should not be allocated seats in the proposed interim government.”
I would like to make it clear to the public that this is far from the truth. H.E. the Vice President said (in summary) the following:
(a) H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit shall remain in his position as the President of the Republic of South Sudan because he was elected by the people of South Sudan by 93% of the votes. Therefore, he cannot be replaced by someone returning from the bush. This was the arrangement when we signed The Addis Ababa Agreement 1972 and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement 2005. The Presidents of Mozambigue, Angola, and the Sudan were not asked to step down and replaced by new Presidents.
(b) The government, however, can be expanded to make additional ministerial portfolios available or the rebels and other stakeholders.
(c) The details of the interim government will be negotiated by the negotiating delegations of the government and the rebels in Addis Ababa.
(d) The interim period may range from 1 year months to two years.
(e) In response to a question, he stressed that it is inevitable that the rebels will be given government jobs otherwise, they will not return from the bush.
The full statement of H.E. the Vice President at that particular meeting was recorded by video and SSTV will broadcast it tonight. I invite the public to watch and judge for themselves. I am sure “The truth will set us free” and the Vice President will be proven innocent of this wild accusation.
4. All in all, the visit of H.E. The Vice President to Uganda was very successful. Now, we feel encouraged to visit the other sisterly countries of Kenya, Ethiopia, the Sudan and Egypt to brief our South Sudanese communities there in preparation for the national dialogue for peace and reconciliation conference which will be the culmination of all the consultation conferences in the 10 States and the neighbouring countries.
4. In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to express the gratitude of His Excellency to H.E. Yuweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda and H.E. Edward Ssekandi, The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, for agreeing to meet him in spite of the very short notices.
I also wish to thank H.E. Samuel Luate and H.E. Sarah Victor Bol, our Ambassador to Uganda and his Deputy respectively for facilitating the meeting.
Last but not least, I want to thank Ambassador Lawrence Modi Tombe, the Deputy Chairperson, and the Members of the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation Organising Committee for work hand in hand with our Embassy to organise the meeting of our Vice President with our Community in Uganda.
Thank you very much for listening.
Now, I would like to invite you to ask questions.

Deng Deng Hoc Yai, Minister of Environment, RSS

Ladies and gentlemen of the Press,

Thank you for coming to this Press Briefing.

1. H.E. James Wani Igga, the Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan and the Deputy Chairman of the SPLM, visited our sisterly country Uganda from 13th to 17th June 2014.
The objectives of the visit were:
(a) To brief the South Sudanese Community in Uganda about the peace negotiations and the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation process and urge them to select their representatives to participate in the national dialogue conference;
(b) To brief H.E. Yuweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda about the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation and discuss bilateral relations; and
(c) To brief H.E. Edward Ssekandi, The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda about the peace negotiations and the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation and discuss bilateral relations.
2. The visit was very successful and the objectives that I have just listed were achieved:
(a) His Excellency the Vice President and his delegation and members of the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation Organising Committee briefed the South Sudanese Community in Uganda about the peace negotiations and the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation at the International University of East Africa on Saturday 14th June 2014.
The meeting was attended by more than 2000 community members. His Excellency also met with the leaders of the South Sudan Women’s Association in Uganda and the Executive Committee of the South Sudan Students’ Union in Uganda. He also briefed the media at the Embassy of the Republic of South Sudan in Kampala yesterday.
(b) In addition, His Excellency and his delegation met H.E. Yuweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, at the State House in Kampala on Sunday and briefed him about the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation. His Excellency also discussed bilateral relations between the two countries.
(c) Today His Excellency met with H.E. Edward Ssekandi, The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, and briefed him about the peace negotiations and the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation process. He also discussed with him the bilateral relations between the two countries.
3. Sudan Tribune misrepresented the statement made by His Excellency the Vice President on the interim government at the South Sudanese Community meeting in Kampala, Uganda, on Saturday 14th June 2014.
It reported that “South Sudanese Vice President, James Wani Igga said members of the SPLM-in-Opposition should not be allocated seats in the proposed interim government.”
I would like to make it clear to the public that this is far from the truth. H.E. the Vice President said (in summary) the following:
(a) H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit shall remain in his position as the President of the Republic of South Sudan because he was elected by the people of South Sudan by 93% of the votes. Therefore, he cannot be replaced by someone returning from the bush. This was the arrangement when we signed The Addis Ababa Agreement 1972 and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement 2005. The Presidents of Mozambigue, Angola, and the Sudan were not asked to step down and replaced by new Presidents.
(b) The government, however, can be expanded to make additional ministerial portfolios available or the rebels and other stakeholders.
(c) The details of the interim government will be negotiated by the negotiating delegations of the government and the rebels in Addis Ababa.
(d) The interim period may range from 1 year months to two years.
(e) In response to a question, he stressed that it is inevitable that the rebels will be given government jobs otherwise, they will not return from the bush.
The full statement of H.E. the Vice President at that particular meeting was recorded by video and SSTV will broadcast it tonight. I invite the public to watch and judge for themselves. I am sure “The truth will set us free” and the Vice President will be proven innocent of this wild accusation.
4. All in all, the visit of H.E. The Vice President to Uganda was very successful. Now, we feel encouraged to visit the other sisterly countries of Kenya, Ethiopia, the Sudan and Egypt to brief our South Sudanese communities there in preparation for the national dialogue for peace and reconciliation conference which will be the culmination of all the consultation conferences in the 10 States and the neighbouring countries.
4. In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to express the gratitude of His Excellency to H.E. Yuweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda and H.E. Edward Ssekandi, The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, for agreeing to meet him in spite of the very short notices.
I also wish to thank H.E. Samuel Luate and H.E. Sarah Victor Bol, our Ambassador to Uganda and his Deputy respectively for facilitating the meeting.
Last but not least, I want to thank Ambassador Lawrence Modi Tombe, the Deputy Chairperson, and the Members of the National Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation Organising Committee for work hand in hand with our Embassy to organise the meeting of our Vice President with our Community in Uganda.
Thank you very much for listening.
Now, I would like to invite you to ask questions.
Deng Deng Hoc Yai, Minister of Environment, RSS


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