By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Australia
Besides your biased article about Mama Nyandeeng, some people have been grumbling about her ever since the start of December 15th conflict. Many articles have been written and read; Facebook statuses and comments have been shared and discussed; twitter messages have been twitted; mobile phones have been ringing and people have spent a fortune on the phones talking about Madam Rebecca Nyandeeng De Mabioor.
It is not surprising that Mama Nyandeng would attract such kind of attention. She is the former minister of road in the government of South Sudan, the current advisor to the president and above all the widow of Dr. John Garang, the SPLM/A longtime leader and the founding father of the republic of South Sudan.
However, the raw hatred display and the brutality of the criticisms directed at her make people like me shudder as to what sin exactly she has committed against these critics. The only thing that I am aware of is that she is the mother to the rebel deputy spokesperson Mabioor Garang Mabioor.
The allegation by people like Tearz Ayuen that Mama Nyandeng is with Riek Machar is pure nonsense from the script book of Makuei Lueth. Who doesn’t know that Mama Nyandeng is with those of Pagan in the SPLM Leadership camp? Makuei is a son of LUETH (a liar in Dinka) and he should be expected to lie his way into Kiir’s dirty pocket. Being against Kiir doesn’t mean being for Riek Machar.
Nyandeng is aspiring for the presidency and so are Riek and Pagan. As Mama Nyandeng herself has repeatedly said, how could she be for Riek when she is running for the same office? There must be something oddly wrong with your reasoning capacity.
If you are jealous because your Makuei Lueth is only good for nothing more than a state propaganda, then console yourself that there are people like Mama Nyandeng who are worthy, ready and willing to serve the nation at the highest office. It is her constitutional right and you can commit suicide if you can’t countenance it.
If Mama Nyandeng crime is that she has a son who is with Riek Machar, then I argue that being a mother to someone that has rebelled against the government does not in any way give some people a license to insult her. This only shows how naive these people are and how far they still have to go to be real South Sudanese future leaders. The first persons to join Riek Machar were Dengtiel Ayuen Kur and Hakim Aluong Kaang from your community in 1991. Did anyone abuse their mothers and Bor community? Were you Nyagat against Garang’s leadership and now against Garang’s family and widow? Confess.
If South Sudanese were to judge people using individualistic approach like what they did to the children, mothers and wives of current rebels with Riek Machar like Gen. Dau Aturjong and Dr. Dhieu Mathok from Aweil, then singling out Mama Nyandeng has ulterior motives.

Dear Tearz Ayuen, you write about Mama Nyandeeng that “I believe almost everyone adore you until the violent erupt: chopping off halve if not three quarter of your admirers” You are right, it is true that some people especially the government supporters and “Bor Asili” people like you hate Mama Nyandeeng for lame reasons.
The reason you provide for the hatred towards Mama Nyandeeng is allegedly for “instigating and awakening animosity, hostility and revenge”. You confess it in your article that you are not disagreeing with her statement that Nuers were killed in Juba. I believe you were there and you know that these people were killed.
So what else do you mean by the “instigating, awakening animosity, hostility and revenge”? The truth spoken by Mama Nyandeeng or the memories of the atrocities committed in front of the few Nuers who luckily escape the killing spree? Or are you saying all Nuers in Juba were killed and no one has escaped to make a phone call to other Nuers outside Juba? Did you kill all the Nuers and then Mama Nyandeng betrayed you for something that might never have been known by the outside world? Confess.
I am not blaming you; it is not only you and government supporters who believe that the subsequent killing in Bor was a revenge attack instigated by Mama Nyandeeng’s words on BBC. 99% of Buor do believe the same thing including your leaders like Makuei ee Lueeth and that good for nothing Malual Ayom whose incompetency led to the unfortunate death of Abraham Jongroor who had served his country heroically.
If I were to ask you government supporters and Buor: how many white army soldiers and their families heard the BBC interview? It would be only few. Majority were informed about the massacre of their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers by phone calls in their very own Naath language from few lucky individuals who escaped government’s killings of its own people. Some got it through social media or through phone calls from their relatives in the West.
Mama Nyandeeng words on the interview came as a quote of what already happened. So you Tearz Ayuen YI LUEL E CEH KERE JOO LUELUU? Besides Mama Nyandeng was not there to publicize what was happening in Juba but she was answering questions that were being asked by the BBC interviewer.
Tearz Ayuen, did you expect Mama Nyandeng to lie like Makuei Lueth? Makuei is being paid to lie, Mama Nyandeng is the mother of the nation, and care for all her children whether Nuers or Dinkas or Equatorians. This country belong to all of us, not some few money-minded sycophants on Kiir’s payroll like you uncle.
Let us not be blindsided that we can’t see the pain of those who lost their love ones in the Juba massacre and how bitter it is that they must seek revenge. We lost our people in the 1991 Duk-Twic-Bor Massacre and I know how bitter it is. That is why we are still mad at Riek Machar. He killed the mother of Dengtiel Ayuen Kur, the first Nyagat from your Buor community. He killed Hakim Aluong Kaang from your community who was the first to join Riek in Nasir.
I have nothing against the people of Bahr el Ghazal but I must say that the white army revenged on the wrong people: the innocent civilians in Bor who are not related to Malok Awan who recruited and directed Salva Kiir militia called Gelbeny; innocent people who have nothing to do with Marial Chanuong, head of kiir bodyguards who instigated the fighting on December 15th; innocent people who have nothing to do with Marial Nuor and Akol Khoordit who assassinated Isaiah Abraham and are now providing 24/7 state security to David Yau Yau or innocent people who have nothing to do with Kiir Mayaar Kuethpiny whose leadership was being protected using innocent, impoverished Dinka to shed the blood of innocent Nuer civilians.
The white army should have directed their revenge attack on Juba where the government is or Warrap or Aweil where the killers of their people come from. The pain of the innocent Nuer killed in Juba must be very well understood with deep sorrows feel by everyone just as we feel the pain of our people killed by Riek Machar.
What sent out the war signal to the Nuer white army was the killing of their love ones and the arrogance, cheap gibbering of Makuei Lueth on SSTV. His reckless talks on the Nuer led Gatdet to kill Ajak Yen and for the white army to target Bor. Do you think they need Nyandeng to instigate them when their beloved ones are murdered and Makuei Lueth was arrogantly talking of nonsense on state TV? By the way, who instigated the armed Dinka men who killed innocent Nuer people in Juba? Was it Makuei Lueth blabbering on the SSTV?
We all hate Riek Machar for killing our love ones, who instigated us against Riek? Was it Nyandeng too? The Nuer know that their people were killed because they have never seen or communicated with them ever since the massacre happened. They feel the pain everyday they wake up without them. Some are struggling in the UN compound caring for children of those who were murdered. These sad experiences can and will forever send signal to the families, relative and tribesmen of the deceased.
This was why she stood up and spoke against the killing of Nuers on December 15th-17th. It shows her commitment to her role as the mother of the nation, upholding fairness and truth in the midst of propagandized falsehoods when every politician is keeping quite and in denial of reality.
I have seen some reckless Buor restlessly bragging about why Mama Nyandeng stays in Nairobi. Did you guys ever ask yourself why your families stay in foreign capitals? If you depend on lies as your government does, then she is staying in her own house just like the families of Salva Kiir and Makuei Lueth.
Mama Nyandeng is not with Riek Machar, but Tearz is writing about her, what will he say about the rebels with Riek from Aweil? Are you afraid of your paymasters, huh? Was fairness and objectivity also destroyed in Bortown by the white army? Ceh Yic tom peec? Why don’t you go after them or you don’t know where they are? Mama Nyandeng is not part of the white army nor of Riek’s group. You cowardice to face the white army should not translate into hatred for Mama Nyandeng.
Mama Nyandeng has shown beyond reasonable doubt what a strong woman can do for her country and her people. Over twenty-one years of war, she stood shoulder to shoulder with the freedom fighters—some of whom are now corrupted by money and power—to bring about the freedom that is being abused today by sycophants whose minds are in their pockets or bank accounts.
Mama Nyandeng suffered the untimely death of her husband and now the pain of seeing the legacy of her husband being destroyed in broad daylight. And then some hired goons think they can vomit anything on her shoe. Take your dirty vomit from where you got the dirty money: over the Nile. And for how long will you continue off-shoring money and leadership from Bahr el Ghazal?
Insulting Nyandeeng only show how incompetent your brains are then hers. Who is her equal among you? Who? The fact that you are so fixated over her is so telling. Instead of abusing her, make use of her as your role model. I know it is hard but nothing is impossible under the sun, take heart my neighbors.
Tearz Ayuen is today sacrificing the Twic Dinka community on the altar of three ministerial positions given to Bor county by the government. What will Buor say when the positions are taken away in the forthcoming interim government or do they think that one county would still retain three ministerial positions?
The chicken will come home to roost as hatred against Mama Nyandeng is based on a house of sand and jealousy.