PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Deception Of The So Called Modern Day Junubi Woman

By Eva Salva Mathok

The so called “modern day Junubi female” is so quick to point out flaws in society, be it discrimination,prejudice or what ever the new trended word is against the mistreatment of female species.Easily accepting of “feminist” role as the call to a civilize being..Our ancestors way of life,referred to as ancient,oppressive,prejudice and offensive to the modern day female..

All aspect of our tradition/culture/morality consider the thing of the past… Instead let’s incorporate, promiscuity,identity crisis,single motherhood, unrealistic Competitiveness with the male counterpart,and material wealth as the civilize sisterhood.

Let’s forget our role as delicate,emotional loving/ beings in our rightful place as the Creator intended and, challenge the modern day woman that has no boundaries,crossing lines and barriers in pursuit of all things “freeing.”

Freeing to do as one please,having the right of choice, the right to follow they dream, and be they self, yet with all this new found freedom the modern day Junubi female is still unhappy…Why? because the so called modern day female is deception to her natural instinct.Success and education do not take away from your natural instinct…

The modern day woman is busy preaching her bigotry of freeing the oppress/women and bringing about the change yet,she fails to realize when she goes home she was only passing time in her so called passion, as nature is against her odds, whether a single mother,a divorcee or a single woman, nature does not care for her activism, however life flourishes in the home of the oppress.

The so called oppressed is married, breeding, surviving, and has a family, and community.The oppressed is a proud dignified woman, who would gladly state how much wealth she’s restored in her family wealth,she would gladly recite songs of her tribe, her clan her worth and her woman hood, while the modern day woman mimicking all the songs of an heart brake,reminiscing about old relationships that didn’t work out..

There are flaws in every society,mimic the best,discard the poison. Stop being judgmental/hypocritical in embracing another ill society standards… The so called oppress Junubi woman has more standard and pride then the so called modern woman.

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