PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Daidit-e-maa and Amer Mayen hyperventilated and fallacious writings against Bor County should not go unchallenged.

By, Wunchir Atong.

As custodian of this great and esteem people of GREATER BOR (Bor Twi and Duken), I have always thought washing our dirty linen in public is the least thing we can do. Unfortunately, and to my utmost mortification, my TWI people aren’t thinking or mindful about this great trepidation. The recent intolerable nincompoop and slurred articles written by the above mentioned duos and previous convoluted and unabated avalanche of attacks by the so-called ‘TWI EAST COMMUNITY’ in the United State against Bor county finally broke camel’s back. There seem to be no constructive condemnation coming out from Twi East community; therefore, it is likely the unapprised writers are presenting the stand of Twi East community. Given Bor county integrity and dignity was, and still being attacked relentlessly it is time to expose Twi East what it truly is. In this paper, TWI EAST is renamed as ‘TWIKENUER’ as that the trajectory the community inclines to. TWIKENUER needs to be demystified to their last smidgeon and I will do this! Plug on your seatbelt TWI-KE-MAA, it is going to be some long, rough and nasty ride.

First thing first, Bor county had no other problem (s) with Riek Machar and his unruly Nuer people apart from what Riek did to Dr John, and South Sudanese Movement in 91. When Riek rebelled and waged war on the SPLM/A for 11 years, a war he was mandated by NCP, Khartoum base organisation to kill Dr John. Riek wanted to kill Nyandeng famously known as ‘NYANDHOM’ in early sixties (60), he wanted to kill Mabior, Chol, Atong and Gak. He wanted to kill South Sudanese aspiration. As people of Bor county we stood with Dr John through thick and thin. With rest of other Jieng Communities, we fought Riek’s insurgent with all our might until Dr John survived being run over and possibly beheaded by Riek’s tribal militiamen. Comrade Salva, Peter Wal Athiu, Lazarus Kuol Manyang, Malong Awan, Garang Mabil and many other Jieng generals didn’t allow Riek to take leadership by force. Instead, Riek was defeated and had to surrender back to Dr John in 2002 in absolute shame! Bor county did not hate TWIKENUER, it should not have fought this war. Dr John escaped in Bor 1983.

Past forward, at the time Dr John made coup to Jaffer Muhammed Numeri, he was first sheltered in Bor county. The county welcomed him by slaughtering a white bul for him and those of 104 and 105 soldiers at Makuac Payam. Had there hatred sung by TWIKENUER, this reception should not have happened. As Dr John was munching on (RIING MABIOR-ACHOT) ‘white bul’s meat’, Bor county’s sons in the person of Alier Mangardit from Kolnyang Payam, Garang Ngang Abui from Kolnyang Payam, Manyang Agook Aliet from Makuac Payam and Aguek Aguto from Makuac Payam were busy fighting enemy at the outskirt of Bortown from catching up with Dr John. At last, the defending soldiers were defeated. Jallaba was all over Bor county Payams looking for Dr John and his escapees. No one including children said anything about their whereabouts. This showed an enormous love the county had towards Garang Mabior Atem de Aruei. He was housed convivially and facilitated by us (this author included) to the border of Ethiopia and massive mobilisation kicked in. The recruit resulted in Koriom battalion which was almost composed of Bor county people. This battalion gave Garang upper hand for destroying 10,000 troop of Jallaba at the battle of Panwel Abiryai, adjacent Kolonyang Payam under selfless and fearless commander Makoor Lual from Jale Payam. The destruction of this troop shook Jaffer Numeri and the INF regime in Khartoum. The showdown depicted really well that Dr John wasn’t a factor to be ignored. Bor county was never against TWIKENUER or Dr John in particular. In fact, first rebellion towards Dr John was waged by Twi member. First rebellion against Dr John was done by his TWIKENUER!

As Dr John consolidated and nursed his wound after mysterious absconding from Bortown, first rebellion against him was struck by none other than the TWIKENUER where Garang hails. The man who went against Dr John’s leadership was Akuot Atem Mayen from Twi. Akuot in collaborative Nyagatism with Nuer incapacitated the premise that Dr John become leader of the forthcoming guerrilla Movement. Akuot protested and those of Abdhala Chuol amongst many others joined his rebellion and eventually took arms against Dr John and those supporting Dr John. Akuot’s rebellion waylaid and killed many potential SPLM/A recruits in Nuerland on the way to Bonga or Bilpam. Akuot who initiated this mischievous act was never from Bor county but a TWI against other TWI. Fortunately, a fight over leadership followed and disgraceful stories ensued in Akuot’s camp. Akuot was eventually killed. He passed on a shameful death, mind you. He was tethered at a tree like a he-goat and those of Abdhala Chuol, Gatwech Wiyual, Ghai Tut, Koang Biel and many other NUER gathered around him. Before they slaughtered Akuot, his names were ritually spelt until he peed at himself, and finally poo-ed or defecated for that matter. Is this what TWIKENUER wants? Is this what NUER is better than Jieng for? Before you all know, Akuot’s episode is what will happen to Mabior Garang very soon. For those online, you must have heard/read what Koang Lul Ruai, the SPLM-IO spokesperson said about Mabior couple of weeks ago or so. That, and I paraphrase, ‘days are gone when dictator (Dr John) and his two boys (Mabior and Chol) were killing and running peoples’ movement like theirs, he went on to say, Garang and his sons behaviour couldn’t be tolerated in Riek’s rebellion’. This is a true revelation of what awaits that Cartoon-like-boy. What was done to his uncle Akuot Atem until he defecated will be done at him anytime Riek wants.TWIKENUER rebelled too in the church. Though it will be a discussion for another day it worth going briefly over it. TWIKENUER rebellion was even taken to the church when Rev. Peter Bol Arok, Rev Garang Thil and many TWIKENUER young men/women who were groomed and brought up by the most revered and charismatic leader HIS Lordship Bishop Nathaniel Garang Anyieth all rebelled against Him. One would never comprehend how Twi thinks!

Bor county and her ultimate service to the SPLM/A from the inception to this day is ineffable. We, the Bor county had been linchpin of Garang’s regime even at the time our fathers, uncles and brothers were falsely targeted and killed for fear of unknown. Late Martin Majer Gai, a son of paramount chief in Anyidi Payam, was killed for being analytical and objective. Martin was brought up in a house and family where things are orderly done. His brotherly suggestion that Koriom battalion waited Muor-Muor and other recruits for a better mix and representative took his dear life. As this generation is good at fabricating lies, it is of significant important that records are set straight. Justice Martin would have been a last man to rebel against Dr John, and Dr John being an absolute TWI, he was thinking just like other TWI. Garang felt inferior despite, ultimate support he enjoyed. Martin’s differed opinion was viewed a threat regardless of his oversight intelligent and impartiality.

Like I mentioned, Martin grew up in a hut where laws that governed Juor-Piol and Anyidi Payam at large were enacted. He was never thirst of the leadership but because Dr John never tested leading people, he thought his new found leadership was being eyed. This is a fact, because if we go to Awulian of TWIKENUER section where Dr John hails Biar Abit’s family are Awulian rulers. This means if the SPLM/A leadership were to be determined by such social order, where on earth will Mabior Atem’s son take leadership in presence of Abit’s family? Dr John’s family was incongruent with Martin’s family and as such, son of a chief was shamelessly slain in cold blood and Bor county army officers were falsely identified as rebels when they weren’t. Bor county officers were all collected in their respective stations and jailed. While in detention, they were mercilessly beaten each morning and evening for about eight months until two officers passed on. The dead were Akuak Kudum from Baidit payam and Majok Nyieth from jalle payam. As torturing persistently went on, a lot of them sustained internal and external injuries for example, officer Agaany Aguto’s knee-cup broke at the time he fell down in the neck-breaking chase and lots of other officers are now disables or dying because of the injuries inflicted in them. When this happened, Bor county people nearly took law into their own hand but, our elders cautioned that, if this had to happen, Southerners will never achieve their aspiration and Riek will win over Dr John. Altruistically, uncles who sustained injuries were the very people against a plan to retaliate the dead and their injuries. As Bor county is excellent at analysing and digesting things, the youth eventually listened to elders and resorted to bringing Dr John to book after South and North war. Fortunately, he is nowhere to be found. God solves the problem!!

As lies are being manufactured by TWIKENUER in the person of Amer and Daidit Maa that Bor county rebelled in the past, it is simple untrue. Too, officer Akem Aluong Kaang did not join Riek’s rebellion in 1991. The same is true to Justice Dengtiel Ayuen. Like Telar Riing Deng, they got trapped in Nuerland. Akem Aluong aws missioned to Riek’s zone by Dr John and therefore got caught up by infamous split in Nuerland. They didn’t rebel and calling them rebels is about being naïve and unfamiliar about 91 rebellion history. Familiarise yourself with books, consult with SPLM/A veteran before you write. It is despicable wasting time writing for things you are oblivious about and more often than not, such writer/s become a loony imprudent. It is worth noting, Dengtiel Ayuen Kur was targeted by those who killed Justice Martin Majer. As this became clear, he chose to keep low profile and away from the killers as he was in the top list of ‘wanted individuals from Bor county’. If in doubt ask Slava Kiir, Dengtiel and those mentioned above weren’t rebels. For sake of records, let me underscore Akem’s case. Officer Akem was a commander of a contingent of Adiit battalion which was based in Eastern Uppernile. With the rebellion taking toll on non-NUER soldiers, Akem planned to outwit Riek and saved his about 1000 to 1200 soldiers. He did not want a confrontation with Riek’s forces as he was in the Nuer heartland. He planned a safe exit towards Ethiopia and then Murle land without a fight. The plan didn’t succeed.

Akem made the plan known to his solders, regrettably, a junior soldier (Name withheld) from Ngok section who was part of Akem’s soldiers was reported to have leaked the whole plan to Riek group. Suspicions were running high and Akem was summoned by Riek the following day. Having planned no confrontation, he went with only 4 bodyguards to look harmless. On arriving to Dr Riek’s base, he was brutally attacked by Nuer officers and hacked to death in the presence of Dr. Riek, Dr Lam, Dr Adwok and all seniors’ members in the base. This was an act of sheer savagery on a respected SPLA commander. If still in doubt consult with Dr Adwok, or read his books about Riek acrimonious crime. Akem and Justice Dengtiel were never rebels like Majak, Nyandhom and her cartoon-like boy (Mabior) who together staged a posthumously coup against the dead Dr John.

Besides, calling general Malual Ayom Dor as good-for-nothing is off-putting and factually misplaced. This is a general who sacrificed himself to go defend Greater Bor (Bor Twi and Duken) when civilians were displaced and killed in Bortown. In the meeting chaired by Kiir, gen. Hoth and gen. Kuol Manyang with all Greater Bor generals, Malual Ayom, late Abraham Joongroor, Kuol Malith and Mabior Lual Machar volunteered to go and fight Riek and Nyandhom insurgent. General Malual now is in charge of operation in Jonglei and this was out of his will. He was never assigned there. ‘Good-for-nothing’ is when those of general Bior Ajang and many other TWIKENUER generals cowardly masqueraded ranks they can’t deliver in.

Bor county supports RSS constitution if this is synonymous to Kiir’s government so be it!! Like Bor county stood with Dr John’s movement, the county stood again with Kiir’s government. Bor county thinks it is inconceivable to forcefully dethrone general Kiir unconstitutionally. This county thinks if Kiir becomes of no use, he should then be voted out in the next elections (2015). It doesn’t need arm taking or setting ablaze our infrastructures and dropping off our civilians from their villages. If this is what it takes to call my county ‘BORKAZAL’ for standing with a constitutional government and not calling it ‘BORTWI’ at the time of Dr John, then this qualifies the idiocy and foolery widely claim to have possessed TWIKENUER. If anything, then TWIKENUER owes Jieng communities an apology for conspiring with Jieng’s enemy in the expense of Jieng. In Nyandhom’s rebellion, all Jieng communities were targeted with exception of TWIKENUER communities where Nyandhom hails. Isn’t this shameful for a community that think it is a Jieng by ethnicity? TWIKENUER villages were left untouched by marauding White Army. This in itself is telling. TWIKENUER who were killed were those in the army and in Bortown. But it should be made clear to general audience that TWIKENUER were circulating an information stating their residents leaved Bortown to their villages in Twi as soon as possible, so those killed were disobeyers and ignorant. This top-secret was leaked in Bortown three days before war erupted in Juba. This could be another lead in piecing together whether there was a coup or not. So what do TWIKENUER really wants? Yesterday TWIKENUER forged unclear relationship with TWI-KE-MIYARDIT and now is TWIKENUER. What happens to the re-union that was to happen between TWIEAST and TWIWEST?

Daidit maa and Amer need be told there is nothing to be jealous about TWIKENUER. There is nothing with Majak to be jealous about. He was Kiir’s houseboy yesterday, and he remains a houseboy to this day. Shouldn’t it be mistaken that PhD changes people. NO, it doesn’t. Once a houseboy is always a houseboy, and once a demon worshipper remains a demon worshipper. There totally nothing to be jealous about TWIKENUER. In fact, it was goodwill of Bor county members that Majak made it out safely without being “hung by the neck until he dies” and these TWIKENUER aren’t giving credit where it due.
Bor county saved the traitors. I will take you through how Majak and his other three traitors survived. The conspirators would have perished if Bor county wants!!

First, Kuol Manyang as defense minister and an influential post-military general in Kiir’s government would have done unthinkable if Bor county had the virulent hatred TWIKENUER littered the World Net with. Second, Justice Makuei Lueth talks the talk and he had never walked the TALK. Had he walked his talk, this Majak TWIKENUER talked earth and heaven would have been a decomposer by now. Third, General Mach Paul Kuol was able to let go his post to save Majak and his other comrades from being beheaded by the RSS government. Had he had this ‘TIEL’ (hatred) TWIKENUER accused Bor county with, this Majak-house boy would have been a history. Bear in mind general Mac Paul Kuol is an immediate cousin to Late Justice Martin Majer. Had he had hatred that TWIKENUER are making online community to believe that Bor county hates and despises Twi, he would have lied in the court and Majak, Pagan, Oyai and Lol would have been slaughtered like chickens and Twi or TWIKENUER would have done nothing. And, I mean nothing!! If TWIKENUER community loves Majak really, you would have glorified, espoused and worshipped these three men (Kuol, Makuei and Mac). TWIKENUER would have known Bor county is never an enemy. When are you TWIKENUER backing off from this sheer ungratefulness? Sit back and think of these three gentlemen and how they are holding sword-of-death and that of life. Thank God they haven’t resorted to this cheap talk of TWI and BOR. Thank God they have shown rare leadership that is never found in TWIKENUER!!

Without slight of compunction TWIKENUER go around dragging Duk county into their shameful political prostitution while great people of Duk could be commended for not trading off their JIENGSIM to Nuer. The county stood tall in all odds. While this is the case, it is in Bor county interest, that Duk distances itself from this TWIKENUER lunacy. This means Duk county needs to begin speaking for herself. Duk can’t allow be misrepresented, or is Malok Aleng’s orotundity coming true? That Duk county is yet to bear a leader who will represent her! Until Duk county can’t allow clueless TWIKENUER speak on her behalf, otherwise Bor county and other Jieng communities will validate Malokdit’s words, “NO LEADER BORN YET IN DUK COUNTY AND SO ANYBODY FROM TWI OR BOR WILL REPRESENT THEM”.

Back to Amer, I learnt she got disowned by a Bor county’s groom after series of exhaustion and therefore she is a furious tigress. Well, Amer should have known ‘a runaway groom’ isn’t Bor county. Farting an “obnoxious fart” if had to borrow your wording into your own relationship and attacking the county of a fellow victim is reckless thing. With such behaviour, it is likely predictable that you will continue to pimp until you will lose counting of passing-by men. Apologise and you will save your plunging girl-child in you. Those cheering you up are doing you too much of unrepairable damage. You already a patient suffering from psychotic and neurotic disorders, and you have yourself to blame. The thing is, accept the reality that groom has taken of at a long stride and move forward, you could be poignant as you are but he is gone. Go shopping for next victim!!
Unlike weakling Daidit Maa, Amer deserves appreciation for not concealing herself. This is what an accountability is. Daidit Maa is a coward who attacks under a ghost name; this is a typical character of MUONY-TWIKENUER. They are faint-heartedness.

In recap, Bor county is still Bor county. It can and will never be called Borkazal. It is a defamatory for a county Dr John could count on during his unpredictable years. Dr John kept close to himself those of general Peter Wal Athiu, Kuol Manyang, Jok Riak, Jok Reng, Majok Mac and many other fearless generals for reason, and this is, they will never rebel. Who in TWIKENUER would Dr John trust apart from Chol Lual, Jok Riak, Kuol Manyang, Wal Athiu and Majok Mac (RIP) to defend him both from Riek Machar and NCP? Tell me who would have protected Dr John from TWIKENUER apart from the aforementioned generals? Bor county saved Dr John in 91 and will continue to protect general Kiir until his constitutional term is over.

Wunchir Atong is on RSS government mission to United Kingdom, he can be reached at

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