PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


4 min read

By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Queensland, Australia

Tribute to Isaiah Abraham: The Dark Ages of South Sudan Liberation
Tribute to Thon Dau Mayen who was killed in Koboko, Uganda, on the 11th of September, 2014. The conflict was sparked by an alleged photo of a girl taken by a boy.

If Tears Could Build A Stairway, and memories were a lane, we would walk right up to heaven and bring you back again. No farewell words were ever spoken, no time to say goodbye, you were gone before we knew it and only God knows why. Our hearts still ache with sadness and secret tears still flow, what it meant to lose you, no one will ever know”

Today is Sunday, I am foolishly fooled by the white men dogma. The precept inculcate in me that Sunday is a day of repentance, a day of forgiveness and a day of prayers.

Out of all, I am not using this Sunday to forgive, I am not using this Sunday to repent or to forget. I am praying that your soul rest in peace.

I am mad, I am angry, I am heartbroken. You were attacked and hacked to death. We were attacked and left to bleed. Out of nowhere, the devil men slay and hammer you.

Out of nowhere the grief hit us with full force and slain our hearts into pieces. Sadly out of nowhere, behind our broken hearts was a party of words that I am faint-hearted to read, to listen to or extend my ears.

You have gone too soon, but not too soon that you did not witness what our world has turned into. How it perished from us. We might not fully understand why you have to go in that manner, for they say “do not judge what you cannot fully understand”.

No matter how confused our world is, we can claim it to heaven that we are fully aware of the evil force behind your death. Should your demise serves us a lesson as the world may wish, No! it shall forever serves as constant reminder.

We both know that there is always that tomorrow where we shall not be together, but we never thought “a girl related case” will bring the tomorrow we never see coming, tomorrow we never wanted to witness.

But because some “muppets basket case” people exists, your precious life has faded un-deservably.

The only healthy part of getting over your departure is knowing that: with such unkind behaviours, with such envious personalities, with such childish thinking, the Jerusalem will be strikes twice as much as it can be fully demolished into a barren palace that bear no more evil personalities.

Then with life after, the angels will rises and resume the thoughtful wishes of good coexistence.

They say “time heals all wounds” but I say as the time goes by, no wound shall be healed. I strongly reject the naive tenet that we will one day sit on the table in absolute nothing but joy with no memories of your departure.

I cannot lie that our mind will one day forget the insanity behind your death, the tragedy that robbed us in untimely way. Above all, we know you will forever stay with angels.

In your memory, this tear is just for you. I don’t called it a note but a droplet of my tears that are dribbling because my heart can no longer handle the pain.

They say “the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explains” this “tear” explain my final goodbyes and say it all.

R.I.P my dearest Brother. Since “heaven has becomes your new home”, we will forever feel the missing “you” with deep sorrows and sadness, but in one morning, our pain will be reinvented to build and restores your soul-urged greatness.

You were one that we will never replaces. A loving son, a loving brother, a loving cousin and a loving uncle. I Love you! I miss you! R.I.P




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