PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The SPLM-N Statement at the Opening Session of the Addis Abba Negotiation on November 12, 2014

Dear revolutionary leader, comrade Yasir  Arman
From bottom of my heart, I am hereby saluting you and your fellows comrade in arms struggle, and particularly the entire Splm-N army forces for excellence combat and all military capability they had been waging against the Sudanese army force and their militias allies for self defense and defense of the weak innocent people in the Nuba mountain and southern blue Nile. Please I, and the rest of your fellows comrade who did not let themselves get lost in cloudy food weave in the Southern part will always prayer for you such that, the good lord can always grant you strength and faith in all you daily duty.
Dear fellows  comrade in both Nuba mountain and Southern blue Nile, its a determination and full commitment in duty that define men, with that I am have encourage and hope in my heart that you people and former comrades will work hands in hands with one another till the day when your  all objective you have been struggling for, since 1983 are fully met.
Dear fellows and former comrade in arms struggle, the right you have will always works by itself, and we the few who do still have you in our heart will always stand behind you both at the worse and the happy days or in the darkness and in the light. please you are not alone and you will never be left alone though come down the earth for the heaven to go up, we will still remain together as comrade and fellows brothers and sisters in arms struggle, as you have been hearing it on all the major media, many people with enslave minds are still wilds to teams even here at Obbo (South Sudan border town with Congo DRC), thus they are  even still very honest and act in perfect  manners in receiving the orders from their master in Halfa( Sudan border town with Egypt)
Moreover,I would also like to elucidated it  clearly to you fellows and comrade in arms struggle that it’s not yet fully separation here in Nadipal (South Sudan border town with Kenya), thought we had had it done physically and make it well recognized on July 11th 2011,the major work on Psych part which makes all the workers to believed that, all they master are always in the north is not yet covered, please you are not alone.
And thanks you
your sincere comrade Kang Guot ( also known as Kerubino Kang Gout)
From Buffalo State University
Buffalo City New York, USA.

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