Melbourne vs. Brisbane: Bor Dinka Historic Wrestling in Australia
Insure our cultures in Western countries or let them die!
By Kur Wel Kur
In the beginning of this month (December), young South Sudanese particularly Dinka who reside in Brisbane and Melbourne, Australia, initiated a wrestling match. A competition to take place on Boxing Day (26/12/2014) in Melbourne. The competitors submerged in practise and necessary preparations. They exchange encouraging and demoralising words as the set-date looms.
In one of the preparations (trainings), the lead wrestler in Melbourne, accidentally dislocated his shoulder. However, this incident didn’t deter the young men to let go their desires of supporting and promoting their culture. It didn’t either, inform our handful elders to advise the young men on the best things they must do to promote and help this community. The wrestling occurred on 26/12/2014!
We must acknowledge that on this day (26/2014), the young wrestlers entertained spectators and the day vanished in minutes; an excellent day well-spent; however, one of the wrestlers sustained a horrible fracture on his arm. We spent decades in this country but our ignorance remains resistant to omnipresent millions of educational programs. In everything we (South Sudanese) do, we wish for safety and good results but we don’t plan for them. And yet, wishes and lucks operate on low gears and on blind spots of successes in this country. In this country and in this century, everything is experimented and controlled by us in order to hit the bull’s eye (target)! Those whose brains still kneel down in front of lucks and wishes of safety and desired results must realise that this planet (earth) is brutal and wishes without experiments and plans don’t come to bear good fruits.
How I wish that our elders could educate our young people on bad sides of wrestling and encourage them to drop wrestling. Young people must concentrate on other parts of our cultures. Parts such as: read and write our language (Dinka), avoid stupid habits such as families’ violence, crimes against women, their (young people) brutality to general population because of stupid habits such as alcoholism, and dropping out of schools. These are real issues in our second or third country. To those who will be reading this article, the supporting evidences for the mentioned problems are in my- coming- soon -article, entitled: “why South Sudanese in diaspora must drop South Sudan’s politics”
Wrestling will cause unnecessary conflicts among young people! I would love a peaceful and entertaining wrestling but I can say with absolute, that our beautiful cultural activity will add to police database just as ‘Miss South Sudan beauty pageant’ has done so several times in Adelaide and Melbourne. I am sure about this because wrestling is boastful and physical demanding activity. Winners, most of times, look down on the losers and winners compose songs, which demean losers and exalt themselves (winners).

With ready grounds such as Facebook, filthy words will flood wrestlers’ and their fans’ pages. The video clips will support all the rants.
The elders must make the Melbourne wrestling match the first and last one or advise the young to insure wrestling! Ignore the warning and reap consequences.
Yrs. Kur Wel Kur.