Gen. Matur Chut Dhuol and His Lethal Leadership Style in Lakes State
By Mayak Deng Aruei, USA

January 2, 2015 (SSB) — The raining bullets and flowing bloods around Rumbek never move Governor Matur Chut, and he continue to go about his duties as if nothing tragic is happening in his state. Is that the kind of legacy and leadership that President Salva Kiir Mayardit want to leave behind? We South Sudanese did not choose secession in order to destroy ourselves and cultivate a political culture whereby leaders rule with iron fist. It is so heartbreaking to see citizens of Lakes state rushing themselves to graves at the time when the Nation is dealing with major armed rebellion.
First, let recognize that the security situation got worse than any time before, and the records at our disposal is a living evidence that nobody can deny. From day one that General Matur Chut took charge of Lakes state, civilians start acting contrary because he was nominated by President Salva Kiir to inflict the most severe punishments on civilians, a communist style that nobody want to see. Is that the way to redesign the Society that has been through many conflicts? It was a terrible mistake for the citizens of Lakes state to allow President Salva Kiir to abuse and overstep his constitutional duties. We all know or should know that South Sudan Transitional Constitution only gave President powers to intervene in states’ affairs when national security is being threatened. Why did President Salva Kiir choose to go for Lakes state’s Governor and not Jonglei’s Governor? We know for sure that part of the Jonglei state was under siege by notorious Rebel leader David Yau Yau of the South Sudan Democratic Movement/Army(SSDM/A-Cobra faction), and the President took a low stand on what was a national threat. Let’s be realistic because South Sudan is not going anywhere, anytime soon. We have earned it, and it is there to stay for all the generations to come unless something else happened.
Secondly, the kind of leadership shown by General Matur Chut when he took over the affairs of Lakes state helped fuel the tiny conflicts that are part of cattle-rearing communities. Back then, communities used to cooperate with the government, and urged culprits to surrender themselves to authorities. This has been the norm throughout South Sudan, had existed before there was central governments. Now, the opposite is true because civilians no longer report who killed who, and instead choose to stay within their quarters and go for revenge if conditions allow. There is no way that national leaders would expect to see decent leadership from youth when their own is embedded in and around bullying. It is unnecessary that General Matur Chut be the instigator/perpetrator of the violence seen in Lakes state, but the kind of response and style of leadership he fostered tells the world that he has nothing to offer.
Thirdly, General Matur Chut is the other side of President Salva Kiir Mayardit, and if people can agree on that, then Lakes state is likely to see even more deaths in the coming months. We know for sure that General Matur Chut is acting within prescribed directives by the President. The very same style used by President Salva Kiir is being used by Governor Matur Chut (sacked the entire Cabinet and walks majestically as if nothing has happened). Without concrete solution/well structured intervention, warring clans would intensify their revenge campaigns, something that folks in that part of the Country are best at. Why would President of the Republic put his good name in such a regrettable part of the history. Where there is a blame, there is a doubt, and all things need to be aligned in order for the unknown to be unearthed. That is to say, civilians are not acting in good faith, and Governor Matur Chut does not has clean hands in the ongoing madness.
Therefore, President Salva Kiir Mayardit must rethink the choice he made. As of now, Lakes state is in need of a new look, a better way to address all that went wrong. There has been too many killings around Rumbek, and that has to end if South Sudan really want to move forward. My sincere condolences to families who have lost their love ones. May their souls rest in Peace while the Nation of Junub Ë Sudan is searching for true leaders who would put citizens first! The views expressed here are of the Author, and meant to encourage decent leadership throughout the Junub Ë Sudan(Republic of South Sudan). Leaders come and go, but those who dedicate their lives in serving others do make good history. Junub Ë Sudan now, and forever. True Peace yah Junubin!
The Author, Mayak Deng Aruei, is a concerned South Sudanese living in the USA. He is the Author of ‘Struggle Between Despair and Life: From Sudan’s Marshland Village, Child Soldiering, Refugee Camp and America.‘ He holds three degrees: AS in Legal Assistant, BA in Sociology & Philosophy, & MA in Legal Studies. He is currently pursuing Bachelor’s of Laws(LLB) and Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership: Organizational Development. He can be reached at