The Hatred That Never Quits: Dr. Majak d’ Agoot, Madam Rebecca Nyandeng and Mabior Garang de Mabior Didn’t Cause the Ongoing War in South Sudan
By Mayak Deng Aruei, USA

January 4, 2015 (SSB) —For God sake, this blame game against the deactivated politicians serve no purpose given the scale of conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. Some people, from somewhere continue to maintain baseless animosity and claims against powerless folks who have been politically stripped naked. It is undeniable that their contributions to the cause of South Sudanese is a symbol that would be recognized in History Books or after the fall of both Kiir and Riek. I don’t know when that will happen, but their days(Kiir & Riek’s days) are coming to an end soon! There can be no way that a sane person would divert attention from the real problem and continue to point finger at people who have been locked out of the Government. Even though Mabior Garang de Mabior is part and parcel of the SPLM-in-Opposition, his joining was out of necessity, and he has explained it to the whole world. This conflict is a golden opportunity for concerned citizens to foul aspiring politicians only on their own records, and without linking them with the War owned by President Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar.
First and foremost, citizens who want their voices to be part of the History must make sense of what they say, how they say it, when they say it and why they say it. Instead of looking to the main Rivals( Kiir and Riek), some people spends their times tracking whereabouts Dr. Majak d’ Agoot and Nyandeng Chol. Who does not know that Dr. Majak d’ Agoot was once an SPLA’s field Commander? If he had any intention to engage the Government of South Sudan militarily, he would have done it without any hesitation. That kind of posture is not going to change anything as long as President Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar have their heads in the sands. One would think that education refines brains, but in the case of South Sudanese, some well educated youths continue to act with the mentality of cattle-keepers! If that is the case, how can we expect unexposed young men who were weaned with mud-molded guns in their hands and grew up tending cows with AK-47s mounted on their shoulders? We (the educated South Sudanese) must reclaim what we have learned in Schools and try to divorce hunger for meaningless supports, and at the expenses of the uneducated masses.
Moving forward, lost of lives in South Sudan is a serious crime against humanity, and making up stories is not going to wipe away responsibilities attached to all the killings. Unlike any other time, the Massacres in Juba, Bortown, Akoba, Bentiu, Bailiet and Malakal will not be traded away for Peace. Why does it seems to hurt more when people are restating facts? It is very true that South Sudanese need Peace, but it has to come without forgetting who killed who at the start of the War(2013-2014). This time around, we must raise the Bar really high because no one is entitled to cause bloodsheds, and expect forgiveness to be part of the Peace deal. Whatever the middle ground that warring parties will settle on, their liabilities(Kiir & Riek’s criminal liabilities) must remain in place until all the investigations in regard to atrocities committed are finalized.
Third and final, kinships should not be confused with the political realities that have shaken the foundation of South Sudan. For some people, all that matters to them are relatives around the President, and that cannot guarantee better future. Had President Salva Kiir Mayardit obeyed the Rule of law strictly(kept Dr. Riek Machar where he was, without withdrawing delegated powers, not meddled with the SPLM’s structures and not sacked the entire Cabinet), SOUTH SUDAN would be in Peace now. That is also true with Dr. Riek Machar who immediately seized the opportunity after the “attempted coup” or whatever the crap it was/will be in the History Books, and begun presiding over the disoriented Lou-Nuer White Army Militias(LNWA). We know for a fact that Sudanese governments killed Southerners during the liberation struggle(1955-2005), and Dr. Riek Machar did it in 1991 and all got away without facing severe legal consequences. But in our own case(current conflict), it’s not going to be tolerated. With or without the help of international Community, all the folks who have bloods in their hands will be dealt with accordingly.
Overall, let the victims of the senseless War rest in peace. The root causes of the ongoing Conflict are very visible to the whole world, and any rhetoric directed toward innocent individuals will never ease tensions between the Government of South Sudan and the SPLM-in-Opposition. If political Commentators are honest in their expressions, then baseless claims against Dr. Majak d’ Agoot, Nyandeng Chol and Mabior Garang de Mabior should be dropped/discarded altogether, and be considered as victims of the disengaged SPLM. All citizens must give PEACE a chance, and put self-interests aside for a while. Just a quick reminder, South Sudanese are in need of an energetic, courageous and skillful Volunteer who have the will to restore lost hopes. And that is exactly what Dr. Majak d’ Agoot is doing to the desperate South Sudanese around the world. The consequences of gossiping day in and day out have been seen, and that should be a warning sign to those who thinks money can buy happiness and political power.
The Author is Mayak Deng Aruei, a doctoral student in Organizational Leadership: Organizational Development. He can be reached at