Letter to Dr. John Garang
Letter to Dr. John Garang: The Founding Father of the Wrecked State.
By Moses Kur Daniel, Australia

Dear Dr. John,
January 11, 2015 (SSB) — Your comrades you untimely left behind with untamed savageness turned out to be bloodthirsty Pugilists. They like not to play politics by the rules. Power struggle have cost more lives than the war of liberation.
They lack self-restraint, maturity, tolerance and above all integrity [distinct excellence of character] which is not acquired through suit-wearing, tertiary papers or material wealth.
Political immaturity & egoistic power greed have plunged your beloved state into chaos and disorder of the highest degree. They are now absurdly fighting and belabouring over the abused term “democracy”.
Some known murderers flock and with disregard to human life shamelessly send innocent primitive youth to death penalty wars in the name of the abused term democracy.
The other party, which doesn’t even know the considerate, responsible and accountable government, loses legitimacy, once it failed to fulfill what it had agreed in the mandate-contract with the governed.
This is, above all, security and the rule of law, plus services delivery to enable prosperity and progress for all instead of solely servicing luxury of the elitist few.
Still they chant shamelessly the slogan “elected government” not knowing they have failed governance test since the instance they oversaw failed administration which carried out daylight looting of public resources with wild impunity.
Your comrades turned the yesterday reverent archipelago full of abundant hopefulness into blood-bath hell, a hitherto fertile land for hopelessness and despair. Mass repatriation that you left backtracked into mass expatriation.
The oil resources of which you gave them crucial inkling to be spent on agriculture in order to feed the starving poor, road, education and healthcare were belligerently & extravagantly diverted by the privilege few into vain luxury-shopping for V8s (the world most greediest car).
Huge chunk of those resources have been siphoned off into foreign banks instead of local banks, denying the hardworking local loan-seekers the right to borrow and finance entrepreneurial schemes.
Some of those resources were spent in shopping for lethal firearms and ammunition, which were distributed to un-nationalised primitive folks–without proper regulation making cities of the poor state you left behind the most militarised ones in the universe.
It consequently exploded on December 15th and they turned those purchased weapons against helpless civilian population and, consequently, thousands of innocent lives followed you with no meaningful just cause.
No justice to those innocent lives lost in vain. In general, truth is buried alive. No secret is revealed nor is genuine wrong brought to light. Whistle-blower or truth-teller is treated as traitor and exiled or killed.
Real traitor, murderer and corrupt are treated as saints and crown as heroes and heroines.
Not only that but evildoers are rewarded with lucrative monetary bounties for their monstrous evil acts. Transparency has been exiled. The rule of law is often infringed upon at will by abstinent comrades. Your comrades are both makers and breakers of their own laws.

Active comrades simultaneously command parades of uniformed men and women and share political party meetings in contravention of the law. Anarchy is ruling your orphaned land.
Your comrades are a curse to your nation. The freedom & peace which had claimed lives, limbs, blood of millions, dead including You and the living few for half or more of a century have been & are still being undone.
Gosh! Dr. John Garang, are you watching? Some three-quarter or so of the current generation of children is growing without education and food insecurity.
Primary teacher earns twice less than what a labourer/cleaner in Juba earns. Men & women in uniform can’t afford to support a prosperous family despite having sacrificed the highest precious value (life) for the country.
More than half of the populace is contemporarily in the midst of scourging poverty and is being firmly held down by manacles of injustice and chain of insecurity.
Surely, Dr. John Garang, South Sudan faces a dark and perilous future.
God Almighty has mercy on the bleeding South Sudan!!