PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


By Anyuon-magedem D’Gomba

February 6, 2015 (SSB)  Every born leader of a given country is a gift and a blessing from God. The true meaning of the word leader in the so called republic of south Sudan is being the either side of the coin, given to interpret the doing of our leaders in comparison with what other countries’ leaders does. Again their acts are also contrary to what the most world’s recognized dictionaries gives. The definition of a leader in most sites being the “one who or that which leads, a guides and not less a conductor” is being another vocabulary we can introduce in the republic of south Sudan, being far from the one we had.

Even when the bible itself went further and gives more bears on what a leader is. Still our leaders are no good readers though majority of them goes to churches to say Amen. The word praise the Lord is farfetched that of the SPLM oyeee! Which many of them modified as” Athielei Wayeey”. That was the slogan of victory and braveness to the then anyany. I was told they read dictionaries to cram some jargons and not mere disciplines books but they failed to go deep down to the contextual meaning against what it should be. One psychologist once said that, that is contributing to why we sometime fail in exams.

But the bible is clear on who a leader is. In Titus 1:7-12, the bible says that for an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled. Upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy words as taught, so that he must be able to give instructions in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. That is roughly what its take to be a leader.

For our leaders as our mischievous or rather the enemies of the nation, I would like to derail all my readers back to what they did to us one or two years ago and even throughout their life time since the birth of south Sudan as a nation. The series of rebellions since the signing of CPA was a true evidence that what they did in 2013 was not going to be a surprise to the citizens.

I vividly can remember a year or two when the enemies of the nation (our Leaders) declared war against their citizens. They erode in Juba, Bor, Malakal and Bentiu like locusts killing all children, women and men. They were never certified and even when the rescuers were telling them enough was enough and tried to take their remains to the camps in UNMIS zones and IDPS yards, they still penetrate and butchered them in cold bloods.

Worst of it was that they fear no God because they believe in no religion. They went inside the churches to butcher the olds and the vulnerable saying they won’t leave any stone unturned. We don’t blame their act for their laughters are fetched in more blood they see and not more smiles of a face and unity.

They even beg for more front lines and not some couple dialogues tables for they are also enemies of pens but friends of rifles. This is just but a nature bestowed upon their spirits by the brands of the 21 years of struggle.

The slogan “our leaders, our mischievous” is a campaign which is down to all the citizens to declare war against them in return to what they did and to restrain from being used as tool for their own gain. There has never been an inter-clan conflict in the history of that war but a political war which was caused by the politicians. Therefore, here comes a secret to those who want to make their hay before the sun shine or end up dispersed.

Anyuon-magedem D’Gomba; Email-

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