The Proposal to Establish the Centre for Environment and Nile Conservation

By Isaac Achol Malony
‘Only when the last tree has died
The last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realised that we cannot eat money’
Based on the Cree saying of the wise Indian Scholar.
The initiative to establish the center for environment and Nile conservation has come as a result of strict observations made by scientists based in South Sudan on how rapidly the environment is being polluted. Well ware of the highest level of pollution being discharged directly into the river Nile and the surroundings; also well acquainted to long term pollution cases of rivers like the Ganges in India and the Ruhr in Europe and how the people and Governments there are now regretting such a state of being.
Hence we are coming up with a proposal to establish the Centre for environment and Nile conservation in South Sudan in order to preserve our environment and waters by teaching our people (public) and spread awareness to all before it’s too late to rescue the situation. There is a very high release of pollutants into the air and the water ways in South Sudan and up stream in Uganda.
The centre will focus on giving awareness on dangers of polluting the environment so badly so quickly to the current high levels of pollution within few years especially within the last decade and the speed with which it is escalating; which is quite alarming.
The targeted outcomes of this center will be to protect the abundant resources in the Sudd basin and other areas mainly for the seek of human race’s benefit worldwide and particularly the South Sudanese, Ugandans, Sudanese, Egyptians and others who depend or enjoy the Sudd basin and the Nile resources. Most of the pollutants going into the river are non degradable materials like PET bottles, glass materials, plastic bags, and all kinds of plastic materials from broken chairs, tables etc.
There are also many cases of observed and to some extent, unconfirmed sewage discharges into the river Nile and its tributaries especially small feeder streams in South Sudan that join it. The air in South Sudan is also being badly polluted within the vicinity of populated areas by burning tires, plastic bags and bottles anyhow; releasing possibly highly carcinogenic gases into the air of which people around the surroundings just keep breathing in with no choice at all. The said materials we are spoiling our environment with are successfully recycled in other parts of the World but such kind of practice is nonexistent in South Sudan, therefore worsening the situation and leaving the only option of dump everything everywhere with volumes increasing day by day.
We are seeing more water factories and other manufacturing properties coming up very rapidly in South Sudan, the oil sector is also seen to develop effectively in the next years to come with some number of refineries that may spring up, this raises a very worrying phenomenon of increased uncontrolled pollution of our environment.
The issue of generators is also disturbing with high levels of noise and smoke pollution. Although it’s well known in South Sudan that people have no choice for clean power sources like hydroelectricity electricity, solar (existent but very minimally used) and other clean sources, the population generally resorted to the use of the said generators, the public can be made aware of clean options like the solar energy which many over look in South Sudan.
Thus extensive teaching of the population can turn the scenario around. There is also an alarming manner in which petroleum waste is being disposed of here in south Sudan; this kind of waste is well known to have long term effect on the environment with tendency of being transferred to further locations by running water polluting large land surface and water sources from where it was dumped.
The Centre plans to liaise effectively with other world conservation and study centers, the government of South Sudan and great Lakes Countries, the UN Environmental body and other relevant institutions especially regionally. It will work hand in hand with the university of Juba or any designated University and other local institutions for effective outreach to the students studying in South Sudan so as for them to benefit from the teachings, deliver the message to the population and benefit from it as well so as some of them will take lead in environmental conservation in the near future.
The scientists involved being well aware of the kinds of pollutants affecting South Sudan, will take tours around the World in Countries of interest and in neighbouring Countries to acquaint themselves with better means of containing the pollution locally, they will also print campaign materials to spread environmental awareness among the communities and frame academic teaching materials to the students in South Sudan.
The group will also work hard to ensure effective running of this Centre.
Cde Isaac Achol Malony can be reached on: