PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Fighting Fake Academic Degrees in South Sudan: Education Attaché in Kenya Launches Students’ Registration Program

By Emmanuel Malual Makuach, Kenya

February 27, 2015 (SSB) —  Thousands of South Sudanese student in the North Rift Valley are gathered to listen to the education attaché at the South Sudan Embassy in Kenya, Madam Dicho Elizabeth Clement.

Madam Dicho wanted to acquaint herself with the challenges facing students in Kenya, particularly in the North Rift Valley region and part of western Kenya.

This is the first time since she took over that the students from various public and private universities has used the occasion to explain their challenges to her.

The students are also asking the government to assist those who are studying outside the country. They are requesting for financial assistance. Among the challenges students face are imposed conditions such as the 20 percent pay by foreign students in public universities and colleges in Kenya.

There is also the question about the money transfer systems, which delayed their school fees and therefore affect their studies every year. For example, some students are missing the semester because they have gone home to get school fees.

The students call upon the government to consider the policy of money transfer, arguing that the government and relevant authorities should priorities the educational needs of South Sudanese students in foreign countries.

The education attaché at the Embassy of South Sudan, Madam Dicho, assure the students of the commitment of the government, saying that she remains available for resolving or assisting in sorting out the students’ problem were necessary.

“We are available for advice and counseling, giving direction and other support that the office can afford,” she assured the students. She continued saying that the office is aware of the students issues that ranges from tuition fees, certificates authentication, need for guidance and counseling, and moral support.

“As far as certificates are concerned, we advise that any student that is ready to leave South Sudan to go to any country should observe to take note the following:  if you are primary leaver, make sure your certificates are stamped or verified by the central ministry of education science and technology and then authenticated by ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation in Juba, South Sudan.

Also if you have completed both primary and secondary schools, make sure the ministry of foreign affairs and international trade of the republic of Kenya and any other relevant concerned authority authenticate your certificate before you leave for another country to study, furthermore the office of education continuing advising the students to registered and joined recognized institutions mandated by the commission for higher education.

If you finish well, you are the human resources that the country South Sudan need. For the students’ financial support, we do not have any at the moment because the current political turmoil in our country makes our financial difficulties back home.

The Embassy encourages and requires that every South Sudanese students in Kenya to register with the embassy.  Therefore, we have a form for collecting the students’ data for Kenya; we would like to know how many you are here in Kenya. Thanks you.”

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