PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Honestly, South Sudan “Must” Collapse If President Kiir Fails To Step Down (Part 1)

By Wënnë Madyt Deŋ

February 27, 2015 (SSB) —  Following the numerous points of concern in Republic of South Sudan; many writers are relentlessly visualizing the upcoming doom status of invasive state of swaying-greed for leadership shouldered on cursed-filled-deads. I am standing still to let the reality shine in the face of the paradoxical allied front-runners of this-nation-so-called-South- Sudan. Everyday there is peace talk that doesn’t translate itself into physical harmony. Peace itself isn’t an asset that requires international community intervention. Somalia, DR Congo, Libya and Iraq are good examples that president Kiir should put into consideration as he pushes his government

Unsteady security situation in South Sudan since 2010 after Salva Kiir Mayardit became the president keeps everything stagnant and it disapproves the leadership ofKiir is as the legitimate president of South Sudan; thousands of innocent South Sudanese civilians lost their lives to rebels starting with George Athor Deng Dut and David YauYau who discriminately killed thousands of innocent civilians. Dr. Riek Machar finally blew the final whistle of doom to demonstrate how weak his political strength is and it was also a test to the government of president Kiir. The government which gives rebels credit every year. The government which doesn’t bring any culprit into law; the government that cannot afford to protect citizens.

To make it easy, many writers highlighted the disadvantages of giving amnesty to “little insects” like Gabriel Tanginya, Gatwei Dual and Bapiny who are gravely headache to the government of Kiir as I write. It would have been a big ideal if one could have written something about it but!

However, insecurity is the chief enemy of development. South Sudan will never develop if president Kiir remains in the presidency. Appointing corrupt ministers and governors who work for their families not the country; development includes Agriculture, Education, Health and physical infrastructures principally. The very people who embezzle public funds are the one removed and reappointed.

Rich country like South Sudan direly needs a proactive, innovative and patriotic leader who is ready to achieve the dream of Dr. John Garang De Mabior of taking town to the people not people to town.

Abuse of human rights and international humanitarian laws have been rampant as government forces are not trained or even once introduced to the rules of war. Both SPLA and organized forces are not transformed. They assume to be part of their respective tribes; this later fosters bad image to the word.

The current peace talk which is branded to be the final phase will neither bring peace to the stranded citizens in Counties, Payams and Bomas nor will it trace back the massive numbers of citizens who are seeking refuge in neighboring countries. The harm of the conflict will not be removed in the heart of citizens who lost their beloved relatives on 15 December 2013. We can’t wait with our arms folded saying that President Kiir was in the chain of SPLM/A comrades who fought for freedom. No. That is absolutely wrong. He wasn’t fighting for his position but for the general right of Southerners. There are plenty points that disapprove the leadership of president Kiir.

Since I remain conversant with myself since I personalized the forth condition that MUST smokescreen the spirit of this country as politics has become a mean of deriving soundless legacy in the light of unrealistic decision reasoned to cataclysmic mandate to ruin the future of South Sudan.

The citizen who will read this piece of tangible scrutiny of what will undoubtedly come forth; should read and re-read this very critique,I felt consoled after many South Sudanese came to me and discussed issues that would actualize the real image of South Sudan and her connection to sovereign ability to solving internal issues.

Since the war clicked the trunk of South Sudan I proved that all of us are enemies of living a long lasting life as we all bear a symbol of insurgency on our forehead; however, we all assume to be consuming smoky cold temperatures out of no clinical code of conduct. Any citizen who is annexed to the list of serfdom and extermination to reveal the existing realism should always think of how to liberate the dying humanity in this chaotic Republic of South Sudan. I opted to chain my dirt into the pond of fouls to replace exhilarating pounds in reference to the leashing even handedness not only to share when they are cheering but also to mind my own business.

World is walled up with born and elected leaders but South Sudan has suddenly mistaken the living fact of the universe and took the counterfeited system of disposed autocracy which was formerly meant for ancient rulers of the late world. There is no prevailing categorical system that divides the government in advent to withhold the known right in least developed environment. President Kiir is not the correct leader to rule South Sudan at this digitalized stage based on our rights as citizens of this country.

The third majority (Quorum) of every discussion either within family or other social gatherings remains detached from what you think in upper house; the citizens are traumatized as they know there is no bright future as per the current leadership. Many citizens sacrificed their souls to fight for freedom from Khartoum regime hoping that they would one day be stakeholders and first class citizens of their own New Sudan and they are facing the opposite contemporary.

To be continued……………..!

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