Peter Mabior Riny Has No Followers From Bhar El Ghazal Region to Join the Rebellion

April 2, 2015 (SSB) —- Having read this morning the article from Sudan tribune that Peter Mabior Riny is rallying Bhar el Ghazal Youth behind him to join the rebellion is just an ugly make-up that does not attract any on-looker.
Dear readers and viewers of this beautiful web news I would like to bring to your attention that I am writing to response to an article posted in Sudan tribune this morning alleging Mabior Riny, the alleged deputy chairman of armed opposition youth league has rallied the Bhar el Ghazal youth behind him in support of rebellion against the government.
First, allow me to categorically rejecting such fabricated lies that no youth from Bhar el Ghazal has followed Peter Mabior to Machar’s rebellion or even have time to sit with him in Nairobi to discuss any issues connected to defection to Machar’s rebellion. This is a fabricated lie that does not have even a fraction of truth in it.
On my own behalf and behalf of Bhar el Ghazal Youth in Kenya, we are therefore saying that our unity is intact and it will never be swayed by any fabrication put in the website to try to divide us. We are firmly behind the government of the Republic of South Sudan under His Excellency President Gen.Salva Kiir Mayardit until South Sudanese make their next decision to either change his government through votes or confirm him for next term and not through guns.
Peter Mabior Riny therefore has no capacity to even win a dog to bark for him leave even winning masses to follow him to the ill-mannered bush war to fulfill Dr.Riek Machar’s egos and self-centric greed for power. The alleged lobby of Mabior Riny to have rallied youth in joining Machar’s rebellion does not have any single truth and therefore deserve nothing but dustbin.
My former classmate Mabior Riny has no any ill-intention to join war against his own family nor will he be able to shoot a gun in Bhar El Ghazal soil in support of Machar and his goons. Nonetheless, there is no room for Mabior Riny or any rebel associate to penetrate my territory of the area I personally and firmly control.
However, I would like also to say (on my own self and that BYU youth in Kenya) to general public in particular South Sudanese back home and other parts of the globe that Mabior is his own self and has no support from Bhar el Ghazal youth in joining to support the armed rebels of South Sudan. He is our brother and has all the rights to join the disgruntled unworthy politicians in the bush. He is not a rebel to us for he has never declared before us as BYU youth in Kenya and explains to us why he rebelled against the government. We still believe in our brother Mabior that this is just Sudan tribune normal ugly shame of news.
All BYU youth in Kenya are fully controlled under their umbrella union called BYU and their support to Salva Kiir’s government is firm and will never be swayed by whatever evil forces. Mabior will never be our enemy as BYU and we will work to bring him back and home is Salva Kiir’s government in Juba.
We are also working 24/7 to win back the few youth from other regions who were innocently misled in support of government of the Republic of South Sudan. Brother Agel Ring Machar who is alleged to have joined the rebellion in the bush is not a threat in any capacity to government or youth union in particular the South Sudan youth as claimed that he will use his former position to bring many to join the rebellion. This is also a make-up and fabricated lie that is dwindling in nothing but just normal lies of Sudan tribune. Agel is therefore suffering from severe headache of frustration and he is seeking massage medication in Ethiopia and he will soon return to Juba.
We are also voicing our support to the decision made by South Sudanese youth national union in Juba in electing Albino Bol as new first democratically elected chairman of National Youth Union. Congratulation to you Mr. Chairman and waiting to working with you in all capacity. Please use your position to challenge the youth in the bush that democracy is in Juba under President Kiir of South Sudan but in the bush rebellion under Machar. Tell them to drop their arms and choose democracy as a way of getting to power.
We are also applauding honorable members of National Assembly in Juba parliament under right Hon.Magok Rudial for extending the life of the government up to such a time all constitutional requirements for democracy are fulfilled. Democracy is all about people’s interests and your decisions has put the interest of South Sudanese first under transitional constitution to conduct elections under peaceful political atmosphere. Your intention to extend the life of government is not ill-advised as insinuated by greedy and fractured opposition parties and rebels in the bush.
Bhar el Ghazal union is firmly supporting you to protect our nation from being taken over by greedy leaders whose selfish interests do not sum up that one of General public in our beautiful country. We are therefore appealing to all the youth to shun violence and choose peace among themselves and please join us in preaching peace in our country. No need for arms rebellion in our country but sitting and talk like brothers and sisters is the best way forward my fellow women and men of the Republic of South Sudan.
God bless South Sudan;
Long the legacy of SPLM under late Hero Garang de Mabior;
Long live the legacy of SPLM under our live Hero and President Salva Kiir of South Sudan;
Long South Sudan people of all walks of life!!!