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"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Bol Garang’s Easter interrogations and answers

By Bol Garang

What is the celebration?

The celebration is for Easter; it’s the most important annually religious feast in the Christians liturgical year. According to Christian’s scripture Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion.

Why do people choose to celebrate Easter?

Easter is the day we celebrate the resurrection of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Jesus was crucified and died three days later and rose from grave thus that those who believe in him shall live for eternity in heaven.

Where and when did it first started?

The Easter was first started about 33 AD Approximately two days after Christ (if you don’t count Friday) when followers of Jesus found the tomb where he buried to be empty. I would say Easter was being celebrated throughout Rome and other part of Europe by current it being celebrated worldwide.

Who start Easter to be celebrated?

The first people to celebrate Easter were the disciples of Jesus Christ who watched him dying for our sins. They didn’t understand why he had to die until he rose from the dead but it was sure a wonder and great caused for celebration. The entire Christians faith, Easter is one of giant celebration year round.

What do people wear in Easter?

When a person goes to church you just wear stuff you wear normally like jeans, T-shirt and so on. However, in my culture on Good Friday people wear red clothes to represent the blood of Jesus Christ who died for our sins. On other hand, on Easter Sunday people wear white clothes to represent the Holy Spirit from God.

What do you do in Easter?

Well, in my culture some people go to church, some visit their friends, meet with relatives, having dinner and other enjoy their life around everyone are happy about the resurrection.

What foods do people prepare for Easter?

Hard-boiled eggs are probably the first Easter food to come to mind and follow by other food depends on personal culture around the world. Hot Cross Buns are Easter favourite in many areas. The tradition allegedly is derived.

How long does the celebration last?

The Easter celebration takes a full day for Christians to celebrate. Is there any music or dancing? Yes, Christians can worship using any style of music but there are still some units that are consider, worship music are quite different to those of nightclub.

Is there a symbol Religious use that is significance in Easter?

Yes, there’re, Easter Eggs and baby chicks, Eggs and Chicks symbolize new life. Eggs had been a symbol of spring since ancient times. An egg also is a symbol of the rock tomb out of which Christ emerged when he arose again. The chick hatching out of the egg symbolizes new life or rebirth.

Easter bunny rabbit or Hare were symbols of abundant new life in ancient times and remind us of spring and new life. Easter Lilies, the white blossom symbolizes the purity of Jesus. Lilies emerging from the earth in the spring, also symbolize new life and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. All about Easter Lilies,

The lamb represents Jesus” “the Lamb of God”

The cross symbolize Jesus, “victory over death”

Candles symbolize Jesus” “the light of the world”

Pretzels” represent a food eaten during lent the twisted the shaped symbolizes arms cross in prayer. Baby animals: infant animals born in the spring born in the spring also, represent spring and life.

Happy Easter to you all Christians Worldwide

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