The Role Modern Weapons is Playing Among the Dinka and Nuer
By Biar D’Chol Biar, USA

April 24, 2015 (SSB) —- In olden days, Southerners, mostly the Dinka and Nuer were well-known warriors; using bludgeon to bash their heads, cracked and fractured their skulls during the fight; shells & spears were only weapons used to fight one another at villages and cattle camps. The fighting would either be Dinka vs. Dinka, Nuer vs. Nuer or Nuer vs. Dinka. They’re Nilotic people, livings along the Nile River, and their fighting never ceased! Theirs’ feuding has been going on for centuries and even today at twenty-first century is continuing.
The Dinka, however, called themselves: Muɔnyjäŋ, and the Nuer: Nääth. And the meaning of these names sometimes sounds crazy, when one thinks of them. Each of this tribe thinks one’s better than the other. But, there are other sixty-two tribes that they lived, and shared country with, but looked invisible to them.
And now, with newly proliferated acquired modern weaponries such as AK-47s, hand grenades & rocket propel grenade (RPG), in which one could kill someone in matter of milliseconds, it hard to think of what future will bring among these tribes with their backwardness thinking. These tribes think of war as the only mean to settle disputes, rather than dialogue. The world’s robustly changing at speedy path, but Dinka and Nuer are not.
Their disputes always resulted in bloodsheds. Many people among these tribes had been to school and are holding Bachelors, Masters and PhDs; they had learnt of human values, but nothing has change their way of thinking. They’ve degrees, but their degrees are of no used or whatsoever. The only thing that might have changed is the dressing code. I could be wronged with the dressing code; but believe it or not, no one wears animal skins anymore.
And now, with the current war going on in the country, every now and then, it’s about attacks and counterattacks; capture and recaptured. They cycle has been going on for nearly sixteen months now. But, who’s fighting whom? They said it’s the government fighting the rebels. But, the majority fighting in the government side is Dinka, and on the rebel side is Nuer. So, when one hears of killings that took place, who do you think of being killed? The same Dinka and Nuer men who lost lives!
Generally, there’s no single day one logs onto a face book, Talk of Juba, Sudantribune and many other websites, and haven’t read reports of killings that happened in the country. It’s either a Dinka man or, a Nuer man that lost a live. And these killings are all about who should control the country leadership and resources, mainly, the government center in Juba. And the killings happening today have nothing to do with hatreds toward Dinka or Nuer. It’s purely megalomania and avarice of the top-notch jobs. Nevertheless, the citizens are supporting these narcissistic leaders.
These egocentric leaders are bragging of their sickened “democracy and federalism.” This leaves one to wonder, what kind of democracy that killed, intermediate, tortured, jailed opponents, practicing rampant corruption and cronyism? Realistically, there are many countries in the world, practicing “democracy,” but no one kills civilians for the sake of “democracy.” This kind of behavior is purely bedeviled!
We do have a bountiful country size of France or Afghanistan, with rich minerals, huge oils reserved under the ground which other countries don’t have, abundant lands with rainfalls for agriculture, unique animals that can attract tourism, Nile River whereby fisher could be enormous support to the economy of the country. But still, we’re fighting over the bone: the leadership only in Juba. These leaders had ignored the aforementioned to propel our nascent nation forwards instead, they’re locked-down in leadership style. But does presidency position matter then the lives being lost everyday? I don’t really know!
More interestingly, this brought me to think of the saying I heard while at Kakuma refugees’ camp in the late 90s, where one elder said, “How could Sudan be a peace nation when those who’re now in power were the “offenders” or misbehaved kids at their homes, sent away by their parents, but found ways to educate themselves, and the parents left the well-intended kids at home; tending parents’ cattle. These people don’t have hearts of humanity; nothing changed them from when they were kids; not the school nor the life they’ve been through.
Don’t expect anything to change even if we’ve our own country. They’ll rob, manipulate in their wills to be in power.” Well, is it true these leaders were sent to school because they misbehaved at home? I doubt that, because there are many fine educators in the South Sudan government; thinking about the nation day and night, and have no chance or whatsoever to save the nation. But only few individuals that ruined the country for their own benefits.
But the situation leave me to think of this saying, and question myself, do our leaders really have sense of humanity? If so, then, when are they going to think of our people; to stop the killings and find ways for us to live in peace and harmony? This killing is taking lives of citizens everyday, and no one averts this endless situation. This reckless killing left so many scares and wounds in our hearts. But more annoying is, we’ve our nation, and are the only one tearing it apart. We have no one to blame as the scapegoat.
We used to blame the Arabs; that they marginalized, and oppressed our people. But, now, who’s marginalizing and oppressing whom? It’s we oppressing and marginalizing one another! So, what’s the real solution to this mess? I don’t really know, but it’s up to these leaders to figure out way forward.
I wish and hope these leaders find some ways in ending this reckless killings peacefully. If they don’t, then, there’s no future for us, and our kids if this killing continues. I’m yearning for peace to return so does many others as well. I wish our leaders put aside their differences, and save the nation from collapsing.
A nation and civilians are the backbone and foundation of any country. Let’s stop killing one another, and find ways to live together as brothers and sisters. SAY NO TO TRIBALISM! ONE NATION, ONE PEOPLE! SOUTH SUDAN IS MY TRIBE AND YOUR TRIBE!
© Copyright, Biar D’Chol Biar