PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Speech by the Chairlady of RUMBEK YOUTH UNION

4 min read
RUMBEK YOUTH UNION, swearing in ceremony
RUMBEK YOUTH UNION, swearing in ceremony
I would like to begin by thanking Hon. Guest of Honor Philip Chol for his extraordinary duty on behalf of young people.  I am delighted that he was able to join us today and how we are developing our potentials.  RUMYU is an organization with a transformational mission, and so we are especially pleased to welcome everyone here.
I would also like to welcome and thank the chairman of Bhar el Ghazal youth union, Lakes State, Warap State Greater Yirol and Cueibet County, Wulu County among all other dignitaries, friends and colleagues who has made it from all over to be here on this special occasion.
I am privileged to work with a talented and dedicated group of Youth and within a community rich in vitality and promise. It is my great honor to serve RUMYU as its first Lady to be elected into the position. I thank you all for the opportunity and for the trust you have placed in me to lead this Union.
As you know, this day marks my first day meeting, and there is much to be celebrated. We have had many successes along the way, receiving recognition for our Community. We continue to expand our capacities. Through collaborations with other associations and organizations, we have been able to broaden our relationship with other communities.
However, we are not content to rest on our success. With any commemoration comes the chance to look forward to what lies ahead. In that sense, this day can be seen not simply as an anniversary, but as the beginning of a changing society as a whole. Even as we recognize our significant accomplishments, we acknowledge that there is still a great deal to be done.
Although the union has altered considerably in size and appearance, we remain as we were then, a community-serving institution. The work that we do is work that no one else can or will do. Our fundamental mission, simply stated, is to promote Unity. It is a broad and ambitious mission, and it is unique to the youth union..
On the communal level, community serves as a gateway to opportunity. Despite our diverse needs and goals, being into this office today means that we have made a commitment to a better community. It is our duty to ensure better performance. Our service we are going to offer will also have long-term benefits for the community and the local economy.
The idea that we are engaged in such life-changing work should motivate us. It also highlights the importance of overcoming the obstacles we still face. Already in place are a series of priorities designed to overcome those obstacles.
The Executive Success: It is not enough for an executive to hold a position. Once we are here, we must help each other set clear goals and formulate a strategy to reach them.
The community: We endeavor to provide a work environment that offers meaningful opportunities for the citizens. Talent and abilities should be appropriately cultivated and rewarded. We are engaged in a common purpose and it is essential that we all feel invested in, and focused on, the work we are doing. It is the people of this community whose energy and talent will enable the strength and growth of the union.
Communication: Essential to all our efforts is clarity and ease of communication, both internal and external. Effective communication is not always easy, but certainly always necessary. Lack of communication and miscommunication can lead to misunderstanding and alienation. I am commissioning you to foster an environment of transparency and inclusion, and I hope that every member of this union feels that his or her voice can be heard and respected. We cannot address concerns unless we know what they are. Keeping an open channel of communication entails keeping one another informed of changes in policies, procedures and plans. It means sharing news of what is happening around the community, in and out of the community. It also involves communicating that news to the public in order to raise awareness of the union’s work and gain support for the union’s initiatives. Our constituency needs to know what we are doing and what we have to offer.
Union Improvement: Our final priority is union improvement. Things that we automatically rule out as impossible are perhaps just difficult possibilities.”
Once we decide something can be done, we must do it.” A challenge is not simply a difficult task. It is also call action and I look forward to working with you to answer that call.
Remember-Change begins with Us. Thank you for your support and for all you do. And once more Congratulations to my Executives

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