PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Do You Need a Foreign Protection in Your Own Country G-10?

4 min read

By Malith Alier, South Sudan

G-10 coming to Juba to rescue the country from war (G-10); to surrender to the legitimate president (gov’t); to betray the freedom fighters (rebels); to keep quiet or else. 

SPLM G-5 arrives in Juba: Deng Alor Kuol, Ex-minister of cabinet affairs; Kosti Manibi Ngai, Ex-minister of finance & eco-planning; Cirino Hiteng Ofuho, Ex-minister in office of Kiir; John Luk Jok, Ex-minister of Justice and the source of crisis; and Madut Biar Yel, Ex-minister of telcom & postal services.
SPLM G-5 arrives in Juba: Deng Alor Kuol, Ex-minister of cabinet affairs; Kosti Manibi Ngai, Ex-minister of finance & eco-planning; Cirino Hiteng Ofuho, Ex-minister in office of Kiir; John Luk Jok, Ex-minister of Justice and the source of crisis; and Madut Biar Yel, Ex-minister of telcom & postal services.

June 2, 2015 (SSB)  —  News is coming from the SPLM acting SG, Comrade Ann Itto that an advance team of G-10 returnees arrives in Juba on first of June to prepare for reunification. This was disclosed by the acting SG on Monday may 25 during a news conference in the capital.

The SPLM seems to have given in to pressure from many quarters including AU, UN, IGAD to reunite for a new lease of life for it and the country it helped create and destroy shortly after realisation of independence.

The G-10 of Comrade Pagan has set a precedent by inviting a security contingent from the Republic of South Africa to come and protect them in Juba as they reintegrate in to the system that has bankrupted the country.

Many analysts consider the reunification of mother SPLM as something that will open a new chapter for the country to breathe once again. This view is hardly shared by others since the very SPLM factions are reluctant and even fearful of one another.

The three factions of SPLM in Government, SPLM In Opposition and the SPLM Former Detainees are well aware that the fall out is not just skin deep, it had caused immense pain, suffering and resentment in the people of this country which will take some time to heal. The fall out of 2013 came about after gross poor governance over and after the 2011 independence referendum.

These past neglected issues of party and government are supposed to be addressed by the intra-SPLM Arusha declaration of 2015. The declaration or best known as SPLM Reunification Agreement (SPLM RA) brokered by CCM or Chama Cha Mapinduzi of Tanzania, EPRDF of Ethiopia and ANC of South Africa is a document like other accords that may not have been implemented in the past. The SPLM had its constitution, manifesto and code of conduct on paper only. That is on the pessimistic note as opposed to the optimistic one.

The G-10 joining the government of president Kiir to implement the Arusha accord in the absence of the other faction is something that remains to be seen. One analyst from Sudd Institute the other day regarded it as small step in the whole thing. The SPLM IO seems to have turned its back on the Arusha accord as it presses ahead with its original object of toppling the government.

This mentality is hard to change considering the fact that many of Nuer white army members perished in the early stages of the war. This also coupled with the Nuer pride which is sometime suicidal.

The sixty security personnel from South Africa are reported to work alongside their south Sudanese counterparts for security of the G-10 returnees. What is not known which this author also yearns to know is who pays for their stay in the country and how long are they going to be here.

Both the SPLM and the government are silent about the above questions so far. It is worth noting that the group of ten was reluctant to return despite guarantees from the government that they will be safe in this country.

The G-10 seemed to have forgotten that the SPLM lead government is credited with ensuring their survival even during the mayhem of December and during their arrest. Had the government been brutal, all of those arrested would be no more today. This is what they have completely forgotten.

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