PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

What Game is Going on between the Gov’t and the G-10?

4 min read

PaanLuel Wel, Juba, South Sudan

President Kiir receiving the advance team of the G-10 in Juba, South Sudan
President Kiir receiving the advance team of the G-10 in Juba, South Sudan

June 2, 2015 (SSB)  —  It is baffling how the gov’t and the G-10 are competing to define the meaning of the “Home-coming” of the G-5 to Juba on June 1st.

Speaking on behalf of his comrades during a press conference after their arrival in Juba at 6pm, Hon. Deng Alor said they are returning to rescue the country from war and economic turmoils.

The same creed has been echoed by Dr. Majak Agot on his purported twitter account.

“Operation #RescueSouthSudan is a “Torrential March of History”, Majak said, “A pushback against it is to oppose the desire of the masses for peace.”

To the supporters of the G-10, the warring parties, the government and the rebels, have brought economic havoc and violent death and destruction on the Republic of South Sudan. And now, the G-10 is on a rescue mission to deliver the nation and the people from the twin evils of Salva Kiir and Riek Machar.

Meanwhile, the supporters of the government have been all over themselves giggling that the G-10 are coming back to surrender themselves to President Kiir.

The fact that the G-5 arrived at the Juba International Airport at 6pm is taken by gov’t supporters to mean that the G-10 simply sneaked into Juba at night, allegedly because they were ashamed of themselves and they were ashamed of themselves because they are surrendering themselves after having in vain opposed the constitutional government of South Sudan.

During the press conference, President Kiir himself was reportedly “joked with these men today….asking each of them in his mother tongue and asking if they have now abandoned rebellion…”

Essentially, President Kiir is asking if these men have finally seen light, abandoned the damn rebellion and surrendered themselves to the legitimate government of the republic of South Sudan.

To the rebels, the G-10 have literally betrayed the “freedom fighters” who fought for their release from Kiir’s prison. To that, Majak Agot has retorted on SBS radio that even John Garang and the SPLM/A, during the war, used to agitate and campaign for the release of Sadiq al-Mahdi and Hassan El-Turabi when they were imprisoned by el-Bashir but it did not mean that the SPLM/A was collaborating or in any military or political alliance with those guys.

But the common folks in the villages know that the gov’t under Kiir, the rebels under Riek and the G-10 under Pagan were and still are directly responsible for all the tribulations in South Sudan.

The right question then become, to whom are the gov’t and the G-10 playing their games? The G-10 are barely struggling to rescue themselves from political irrelevancy and oblivion, let alone rescuing the country. The gov’t have been fighting the rebels since December 2013 and not a single rebels have surrendered (discount the rivalry between Mabioor Garang and Lul Ruai koang).

As for the rebels, by accepting to negotiate for positions in the national government with President Kiir, they have betrayed thousands of young Nuer men who have died in vain for a war of positions, not FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY and not even a REVENGE FOR THE DEATH OF THEIR PEOPLE IN JUBA.

By the time this war would be over, we must all bemoan the thousand of young Nuer men who have died for nothing other than the reconstitution of the old same government with President kiir on top, follow by Riek Machar, and with Pagan resuming his old same post of the SPLM SG.

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