In the Spirit of the Arusha Accord: The Call for Unity within the SPLM

If Dr Garang were to advice the SPLM, he would certainly remind Salva that during his leadership of the SPLM he had opened many new pages to unite the ranks and cadres of the SPLM. Garang would certainly advice Salva to open a new page for the much-needed reconciliation and unity among the cadres of the SPLM. Garang would remind Salva what he said in December 2004 and in May 2008 when he nominated Dr Riek Machar, James Wani and Malik Agar for the position of deputy chairperson and Pagan Amum to the position of Secretary General when he stated that: “Let us remember always that we are comrades who once shared difficult moments during our liberation struggle. Let us unite and nurture our comradeship as the road of struggle is long and thorny and we need each other more than any before.” ~~~~~ The 8th Anniversary of Dr Garang Death: A Reflection on the SPLM, by Luka Biong Deng, August 1, 2013