New IGAD Peace Proposal: Nhial Deng Nhial Must Consult first with Greater Upper Nile Communities
By Choldit, Chol Kiir Dau in Tubuu Ngokland, South Sudan
“No one is against Peace if that Peace must run, hold and bruises out the thorns Or else if that Peace contains a cause of another War, there is a point fighting the contemporary War for that Peace at all costs”. Source: Choldit Wisdom..

June 13, 2015 (SSB) — Nhial Deng Nhial, the top chief negotiator of South Sudan, must first and foremost put a brake on while on an IGAD Initiative Peace negotiations table and come back to Juba for a broad wide consultation with Greater Upper Nile Communities before lifting any stride of step into Peace Negotiations of the proposed IGAD Initiative Peace draft document.
There are many views on these complex issues. For example the ways in which it is to be discussed and the basis on which decision are to be made towards such an IGAD proposed draft must involved measures of Greater Upper Nile Communities brought into consideration to the IGAD table through consulting them first.
The ongoing Peace talk is not an only SPLM made efforts but a collective driven demand by both the Communities and the Potential Political citizens across the country of South Sudan. So it is potential to make an area of consultation far more welcoming to add in a sense of a long lasting Peace without a significant repetitive cost of another chaos.
Consultation first with Greater Upper Nile Communities will account the benefits of revitalizing the flip back within the Communities in Greater Upper Nile. Nhial Deng Nhial and Greater Upper Nile Communities should come into logger head consultations, distinguish the burns issues within this Proposed IGAD Initiative Peace Process that might cause another chaos to avoid making South Sudan now create and design another War by fixing War.
IGAD Initiative Peace Process is bias, entirely unfair and unjust for it demonizes the Political issue that has affected the whole Nation. What SPLM as the Party was fighting for was not a Leadership wrangles over Greater Upper Nile Power.
Why imbalance the Power and shift the demand into one Region as if it was what the SPLM run away groups were fighting for? That is intolerance and some way lack an intellectual depth Solution. It is unworthy Proposed draft Peace Initiative of the IGAD’s kind.
Short life span of this Proposed IGAD Initiative Peace Process must not be Compromise. Lope hole of Political Implication and above all the overlooking of other Communities at the implementation later within the Greater Upper Nile itself need to be embedded using the Consultation needed to end this instigated crisis peacefully.
There is no better way to immerse our selves far too long than the approach of Consultations toward our Societies within our destined Located Country of South Sudan.
Choldit can be reach at
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