PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Some Comments on the “16 Top GOSS Corrupt Politicians!”

5 min read

Dear Jesus Deng Madingchuai,

I saw the post on your Facebook profile today:

I don’t understand why Majak D Agoot Atem is trying to create a friendly conversation with the chief Editor of PaanLuel Wël, Mr. Makuei Mabior, in an attempt to defend himself on the social media against corrupt charges labeled on him. Frankly, this looks like blackmailing. Dr. Majak should know this better, instead of engaging the chief editor on the topic, he needs to present all the documents or evidence of his innocent to the court of law not to social media if he is really serious about his innocent, otherwise he needs to shut up like other accused. This is my radical take on this saga, Cde Majak is guilty until proven innocent on this charges. Am sick of this man always depicting himself holy yet he is not.

On the 15th of November 2011, that is about three years ago, I posted the “16 Top GOSS Corrupt Politicians” with the following preface:

Dear Readers;

I have no idea nor any way to verify the validity of this alleged list of the 16 top GoSS officials said to have been implicated in corruption, 2005-2011. Therefore, it has to be considered for what it is…unofficial list—-as we wait, probably forever, to receive the REAL thing.

Thanks, PaanLuel Wel.

The list was extracted from the following article by Mr. Duku Wani as a comment on another article written by Al-Intibah newspaper in Khartoum in which 16 government officials were accused of corruption.

Sent: Fri, Oct 28, 2011 9:23 pm
Subject: Top Republic of South Sudan officials accused

Top Republic of South Sudan officials accused.

Hon. Peter Duku Wani Wani, CESLA, Juba

Alintibah of Thursday 29th October 2011, page 1, third column – right to left.

Alintibah’s publication of Thursday 29th October 2011, page 1, third column – right to left, published an accusation of 16 top GoSS officials for misusing public funds with a total sum of US$ 398, 000, 000 and banking it in personal accounts in undisclosed locations and Banks. The alleged allegation against these officials is a very serious one and demands serious reaction(s) from the officials enlisted and the general public against the seriously defaming / character assassinating allegation.

All the accused officials listed are former South Sudan liberation fighters who fought in protest against marginalization of Southern Sudan by many former Sudanese regimes centered in Khartoum with some of their henchmen installed in leadership positions in Southern Sudan. Having said this, it is nightmarish to think that these liberators can be such hypocrites to turn out to do what they fought against. I believe that all of us are inclined to strongly believe that the accusation is not true. In this regard, I strongly call upon the falsely accused liberators to open a case against Alintibah.

While believing that all the officials accused strongly believe in freedom of expression as enshrined in the Republic of South Sudan Interim Constitution, a lie of Alintibah’s magnitude should be questioned and substantiated beyond any reasonable doubt. Alintibah must substantiate its allegation with concrete documentary evidence of the existence of the bank accounts it claims each individual holds and where it is held. The total sum of the amount of money in question, if divided to the approximately 9, 000, 000 heads / people in the Republic of South Sudan, each individual would receive roughly US$. 44, 000 – an amount that would have permanently improved the life of every South Sudanese! I strongly believe that it is the wish of the accused top South Sudan leaders to improve the lives of their people and can therefore not commit such a crime.

On the other hand, I strongly urge our accused highly esteemed leaders to file a case against Alintibah and if necessary, the American Government in order to clear the ugly stains on themselves and therefore to maintain the high esteem the citizenry of the Republic of South Sudan holds of them.

The text of the accusation quoted below is not edited to maintain its original format.

Quote “Top GOSS 16 Politicians have been accused by American government of misused public funds during the interim period 2005 – 2011.

The following names among Goss officials.

1.      salva kiir Goss – president – 38 million dollars in his account.

2.      riek machar Goss vice president –  30 million dollars in his account.

3.      james jani igga – Goss parliament speaker –  21 dollars in his account.

4.      daniel awet akot – former governor of lakes state; now is deputy parliament Speaker – 6 million dollars in his account.

5.      kuol manyang juuk –  governor of jonglei state 15 million  dollars in his account

6.      deng alor kuol –  Goss cabinet affairs minister – 28 million  dollars.

7.      akuien chol – former Goss finance minister – 51 million  dollars in his account.

8.      Pagan amum akech –  splm secretary general 25 million  in his account

9.      taban deng gai –  governor of unity state 20 million  dollars in his account.

10.  mabuto mamur – deputy chief of staff for moral and political orientation – spla 27 million  dollars in his account.

11.  kuol athian former –  Goss finance minister 30 million in his account.

12.  james hoth mai – spla chief of staff 15 million  in his account

13.  gier chuang – minister for road 34 million dollars in his account.

14.  majak agot atem – deputy minister for defence  27 million dollars in his account.

15.  clement wani –  governor of central equatoria state 10 million dollars in his account.

16.  malong awan – governor of northern awiel 22 million dollars in his account.

This is my response to your Facebook post.


PaanLuel Wel

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