PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Is there any culture better than other cultures on this world? (1-4)

Marol Ariech Mawien, Juba, South Sudan

Dinka wrestling matches
Dinka wrestling matches

July 19, 2015 (SSB) —- According to human right law, everybody has right to culture, that mean you can’t avoid your culture in adoption of other culture which was not yours, the creator is not guilty to created you and pinnacle with your own culture, to govern yourselves through your norms, or rituals. When there was no any system on this world, the system of culture used as way of governing and controlling the bad practice.

Today everybody see his culture as bad culture and he/she adopt other cultures, which do not have system of respect as man as woman, as wife as husband as daughter as son, everybody thinking that his/her existing on this world was through the existing of the new culture that he/she adopted, ignoring the way his/her people were been living thousand years ago up to today.

Our cultures as South Sudanese were strong and important, that is why our grandfathers, great grandfathers, resisted Arab culture and Western culture, because Arab came with the ideology of Arabization and islamization, with their own preaching, when you are not a Muslim and rename yourself with Muslim names, you are not true human being, you need to avoid your own way and adopted Arab culture and call yourself Arab though you are an African, you act like the way they act because you are Muslim and Arab at the same time.

That system was resist by our grandfathers and start to fought them in defending Arabs not to enter South Sudan with such bad culture, our great people fought using spears and shields, Arab came with the gun, still they did not give up, thank you our grandparents.

Arab culture use to tell people that you can marry your uncle daughter, your Aunt daughter as your wife, Arabs do not have problem in doing that, they also want you as person converted into Arab culture to practice the same thing Arabs are doing. But according to our African-South Sudanese cultures, we do not marry our closed relatives or bloods kinship because it is condemned by the creator, it is shameful and sinful to one whom have practice it and it is an incest, to have sex with one of your relatives.

In Arab system you can’t inherited your step mother, it is sin, they said, she look like your mother, but for us there is no problem, if your father died, his son can continue with that woman to produce children on behave of his father, the children should still called to his father, according to our culture nobody has problem on that. Today South Sudanese are the one discouraging or De- campaign their cultures, seeing his/her own culture as bad one.

According to cultures those who died young maybe a boy or a girl, could still have children indirectly through brother that was born after them, a wife is marry and inherited by his/her brother produce children on behave of the dead one, such that the person who dead already could still have children in the generation that he/she left, the culture that practice it does not mean they know nothing, that is how their culture tell them, they are comfortable to do so.

According to writer, what they are practicing is true love between people that are living and dead, to show that if there is life after death, the person that already dead could still see his/her children and feel happy that he/she is still important person in his community or family that is why wife is married for him/her.

According to globalization, they are now struggling harder to change all the cultures in the world, in according to their own way of imagination, when you are on your own way, you are told this is not good, it is a bad culture, you shouldn’t represent those who have already dead in your community, it is not good, you can’t inherited wife of your brother, your step mother, it is shameful, this is not good, a women should do whatever she think is better, that is her right to do so, girl should do what is best for her, boy should do what is best for him, the father can still go out with girlfriends same to mother.

But according to our cultures those behaves are prohibited, when you are a married man, you need to act responsibly as father, married woman should know that she is also responsible, there is no need for her to joke outside, the boys should know that if you haven’t got married you can’t just play sex out marry, the same to girls, she can respect herself until she got married, because doing it outside marry is shameful, according to each an everybody culture in South Sudan.

Marol Ariech Mawien is concerned South Sudanese living in South Sudan to be reached at

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