PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Is there any culture better than other cultures on this world? (4-4)

Marol Ariech Mawien, Aweil, South Sudan

Dinka wrestling matches
Dinka wrestling matches

July 27, 2015 (SSB) —- The law is very clear in term of marriage; it is the opposite sex to married themselves in South Sudan, Kawaja will not have room to impose gay or lesbian marriage in our land South Sudan. But through culture government should have put all that, they stated in the law to functioning, regulation should be there such that the issue of hotels where a girl/women you haven’t marriage go with you in the lodges must be restricted, if a person attempted he/she must to present the evident, that testify she/he is wife or husband to the other sex. (Baled karabu) brothers and sisters we have miss the right direction, which we were supposed to be. The people that were been along respecting South Sudanese have realized now that we are the cheapest people who just could be easily changed; they are no longer respecting us.

Our government specially ministry of youth and sport and ministry of social development must sensitizes, advocate to the South Sudanese communities telling them the importance of keeping your culture because your culture is the one that can define you wherever you go, your appearance in presentation, in the public and in any occasion.

The music industry in South Sudan is the mixed up music where artist are composing in western style of music where you just keep talking while claiming that you are singing a song, others are in Congolese style of music, where everybody is dancing at the whist, there is no country in the world without music. South Sudan does not have country music system that would be well known like Ethiopian music.

Sudanese music and Somalia’s are we known, because those I mention in the processes of conducting songs, the bits in piano, guitars shows to the listeners who is singing and from where. But here in South Sudan there is no system like that. The entire artist in South Sudan wants to be like Sean-Paul, G-units and many others foreign music’s instead of South Sudanese music.

South Sudan as a nation would have national dressing style that will separated South Sudanese people with others and to be well known as South Sudanese dress instead of just dress in Nigerian clothes and move proudly, every country has dressing system why not South Sudan?

My dear fellow South Sudanese, the civilization that we have acquired from the foreign countries, especially education should not be used for destroying ourselves but to modernize what we already possess.

The long civil war between North and South Sudan has force us to run in disarray to different foreign countries, After the war, we return back home with adoption of various cultures. We need to modernize our cultures instead of changing it with other cultures.

Government of South Sudan has the responsibility to maintain, protect and promote South Sudanese cultures through creating cultural day, national cultural festivals that bring together all South Sudanese communities to create peace among them, from there our country South Sudan will be the best country and develop.

Marol Ariech Mawien is a concerned South Sudanese living in NBEGS-Aweil to be reached @      

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