Compromised Peace Agreement: Letter to the Editor
By Truthhurt

July 29, 2015 (SSB) — The IGAD-Proposed Compromise Peace Agreement will be sign sooner or later regardless of what those skeptics to it will say and do.
I know they will tell you thousands or more reasons for their objections simply because the proposed peace agreement will force their hands to share the cake not only with Riek’s groups but also with poor & ordinary South Sudanese people if accepted and implemented in good faith.
Look at David Yau Yau and Kiir rushed Peace Agreement of 2014, is there any different between it and the IGAD-Proposed compromise Peace Agreement? If not, the skeptics should keep quiet and embrace it to restore the desperately needed peace and harmony in South Sudan. They should understand when that infamous peace agreement was signed in 2014, it was obvious there was strong oppositions to it some of which were real national and moral concerns.
However, that was allowed for the sake of peace and yet they have the gut now to oppose the very model that they used to award Yau Yau State and Governorship. Even the die-hard supporters of Kiir’s government around the country and in particular in Pi-bor area were objecting to that peace agreement for some obvious reasons.
Yet, their concerns were suppressed and they accepted it anyway simply to give peace a chance. And now these skeptics can proudly tell you how peaceful Jonglei State has becomes after David Yau Yau and Kiir’s peace agreement as you can see in their recent divide-and -rule visit to Pi-bor headed by none-other than Dr Riek Gai Kok.
I call it divide and rule visit because it has a hidden agenda, call it “Conspiracy” and that hidden agenda was to scapegoat one community in Jonglei State in the eyes of innocents Murle community among others and that community is Bor community. To those of you who had the opportunity to watched the said visit on SSTV and heard speeches from Akot Lual to Riek Gai (and the rest of the team except Lopuke of SS Education) then you would know what I am talking about it here.
There are seven (6) tribal groups in Jonglei State including the Dinka Bor community, so what kind of evidence can Riek Gai and his team have to only attribute the perceived mistreatment of Murle people and underdevelopment of their area to Dinka Bor? Absolutely there is nothing but a divide and rule policy, so David Yau Yau and his groups need to trade carefully with their masters in Juba who created him.
In conclusion, all we need right now is to restore peace & harmony again to South Sudan and her beloved people by all means. If Kiir’s government and its die-hard supporters believe that David Yau Yau’s peace agreement has bears any fruits then they need to embrace the current IGAD-Proposed Compromise Peace Agreement to give peace a chance.
And begin to rein in on those useless politicians who work day and night to put innocence communities against each other for their own personal gain if South Sudanese people really need to have a meaningful and durable peace in South Sudan.
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