South Sudan’ Statewide Demonstrations: A Big Blow to the IGAD-Plus Compromise Peace Proposal
South Sudan’ Statewide Demonstrations are the Clearest Indication that IGAD-Plus Compromise Peace Proposal has been Rubbished in front of American Threats with her Cronies
Marial Mabor Turic, Rumbek, South Sudan

August 4, 2015 (SSB) —- As a south Sudanese, not a Dinka, Nuer, nor any other tribe in South Sudan, I believe Junubi is our definition that fits on any south Sudanese’ well-wisher. The political climate in this country has been taken advantage of by many individuals who would want to benefit from the mess.
Just a countdown to the sixth day of August 2015, for SPLM-G and the opposition to resume the talk after the last failed agreement in Ethiopia.
The two sides are expected to return to the table with adequate-quarried data from the concern entities on both sides. Notwithstanding, there have been commotions within and outside the country, not sooner the compromised peace proposal was released.
Statewide demonstrations are some of the indication not only IGAD-PLUS, but also international community should re-consider and re-integrate in working out a durable peace for the people of south Sudan, instead of creeping for a fragile one!
However, America and her cronies should know that threats of sanctions would not do any good in bringing peace to this country, but rather deter and inflict pains on innocent populace behind these so called targeted individuals.
The real peace would only be achieved with interest-free approach in the IGAD-PLUS peace process.
Moreover, the demonstrations held countrywide since the inception of this so-called compromise peace proposal, spelt a major concern from our people, because the proposed peace proposal is shattering and disintegrating the unity of our country.
In fact, the current state of conflict and violent doesn’t significantly and adequately defines the disuniting nation, as far as this country is concern. South Sudan is a country with more than sixty tribes.
I don’t really see the legitimacy of such. Again, a rebellion led and dominated by one ethnic group does not really paint a bigger picture of a failing state before the international community, or otherwise!
Without mentioning more, in Rumbek Lakes State, among other states, the demonstrations were spelling the rejection of some of the parts within the compromise paper.
They include sharing ratios in greater Upper Nile, demilitarization of Juba and the issue of two armies, which they vehemently discarded and rejected.
South Sudan peace process needs a small twist of transparency in approaching issues to a lasting peace deal in Ethiopia.
The author, Marial Mabor Turic, is Rumbek, Lakes State; and can be reached via his email:
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