Is South Sudan Cursed or Blessed?
Joe Mabor Agany, Malaysia

Is South Sudan cursed or blessed?
As I stare at this beautiful Malaysian lake
Surrounded by breathtaking scenery
That reminds me of my beautiful, green country,
I wonder if God cursed or blessed us, or
We take God blessings for curses.
When God gave us large, green, fertile land,
Did He meant it as a decaying ground
For our bodies, we butcher daily.
Or did He meant it for growing sorghum
To feed our hungry stomachs or build skyscrapers in it?
When God gave us abundant of oil and gold,
Was it meant as a bait to fight over it?
Was it meant to divide us?
Because of greed, have we taken it for a curse?
Did God made meant it as our national bread
That we all sit around its table with peace,
Happiness and joy?
Does our society approve greed?
When He created us brothers in this land,
Were we put in a fighting cage?
Isn’t it a blessing to have many brothers?
So that we can’t be defeated?
Brothers fight together, cry together and laugh together.
Aren’t we blessed with diversity that others lack?
The intelligence we are using
To wipe out ourselves from the planet,
Can’t we use it to solve the problems, great strong brotherhood
And build South Sudan?
But truth always stands out, we are blessed?