What are you willing to do to make a better South Sudan?
By Daniel Machar Dhieu, Juba, South Sudan

August 7, 2015 (SSB) — “Ask not what your country can do for you; but what you can do for your country”- J F Kennedy. This advice comes at the appropriate time for South Sudan when no one is sure what tomorrow will bring. A unified approach to problem-solving is most important at this hour of great need. We are at a stage when we should be exploiting the fact that we are virtually one family nation.
In many ways we are all related to each other. There are no grounds for tribal conflicts because tribes do not exist in our nation. What then is our difficulty in solving our problems amicably? One of the glaring problems has surfaced in the form of shameless delusions of grandeur among public officers.
It demands that we accept that we are in dire straits and identify the problems; thereafter, the solving becomes a mechanical exercise. No one person or group has the answers even though some of us are only good at pointing out the wrongs without offering any solutions; or they do advance some answers, they expect no interrogation of their applicability to our current situation.
Such people are uneducable and should be ignored. They will be led out of their ignorance when they realize we have come out of the predicament without utilizing their suggestions. It is then that they shall accept being led out of their intellectual shortcomings voluntarily.
I would like to ask the entire public not to be distracted by functional illiterates in their attempt to address the national crisis of the country both socially, economically and politically. You have right to admonish South Sudan against corruption and the same time you are the right tool to eradicate solution to all these problems facing our nation.
We have lost over thousands of people without accountability after independence of the South Sudan. When will peace come to our nation?
I know, some people will just assume the two warring parties to bring peace back through IGAD mediation process but the warring parties may not come to one point of agreement due to some interests needed by both parties. Therefore, IGAD will not get a right channel to base their ruling unless they consulted civil population across the country.
In this case there is need of peaceful though of each of every South Sudanese to preach peace both in rebel camp and those under government protection. Do your best at the moment with the help of the Almighty and the spirit of nationalism; you are making sense under the circumstances of national revolution.
If we need to help government at this critical situation then we should expel ourselves from regionalism that always fuel tribalism and we much turn to the spirit of nationalism, spirit of togetherness that will preach peace and unity of the people of South Sudan.
It can now be used as a foundation for establishing new South Sudan which will comprise of every citizen with the respect of all cultural activities of every community. And indeed, all the communities of South Sudan will have equal share in the nation base on South Sudan national constitutions. In this manner, public funds can be used with a good return of service delivery, thus will avoid any rebellion plan if services delivered to their respected places. Government servants will work to please their country mate in-order to deliver services to local people across the country.
Therefore, work is an expression of one’s personality, being employed is a chance to demonstrate beyond doubt, to the best of one’s ability, that his or her education was a wise invested. I know, many people uses to blame government for not delivering good services to the people but they failed to note that, they are government servants who are working to delivered good services to people. Again, where do you expect government to get its own people to deliver all services to people in the country? All good leaders always strive to leave a legacy of their competence by mentoring the custodian of their good performance.
The vision of purpose of each of every South Sudanese must be succinctly spelt out to facilitate assessment and monitoring national situation. We should have hands of solution in the following social prerogatives such as health, food security and education as our priority as civil population of South Sudan. There should never be room for unending war within South Sudan among us as South Sudanese communities. Stopping war does not need president but we are the right people to say enough is enough.
Violence is a product of inability to appreciate what one is working for. Indeed, we should always aim at enabling ourselves to contribute to the national prerogatives; it should not appear to impoverish the poor and enrich the wealthy. Despite of our political struggle there is more hope to return into normality through political settlement. We can rise from the ashes like other world leading country such as USA and China. This will happen if we can accept to work together and take concern to all who want to return South Sudan into peace or calm South Sudan situation. However, our fathers who left us here are worried about the state of our education.
After all, only those who work make mistakes: it is better to make a mistake now than to do the right thing too late. Indeed, it is by coming to grips with difficulties that you can realize you’re potential. Here is an opportunity for South Sudan to rise from the ashes, should we get to that state. Let us use our natural resources: trained human resources, natural resources and the oneness of our nationhood.
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