Open letter to Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President, Republic of South Sudan
By Sunday de John– Nairobi, Kenya

Dear Mr. President, affable greetings you and peace,
August 11, 2015 (SSB) — Sir, it is my humble submission to write to you especially at this time when peace issues are pertinently mind-boggling. As a concern citizen, I would like to direct you to the theme of my letter. I am a citizen perturbed by the current twist of events. It is as if you have loss regional support.
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development peace proposal has expressed the deeply seated disinterest of the concerned personalities in rejection of the acclaimed stability of the country. Likely, they have opted to copy paste the roadmap document of Riek Machar without editing anything except the name that was eventually altered to denote what they referred to as Peace Proposal.
Mr. President, I am worried that this document is insinuating a bad heirloom; it is both a political insult and a haughty affront against South Sudanese. It erases you, your legacy, and the future prospects of the next generations. After your erasure, the document shamelessly installs Riek and his cronies such that more of Riek’s divisive desires could eventually be effected. Riek wants to fragment the country into many ineffective fragments easy to be manipulated by external forces such as the El-Bashirs and Desalegns.
It is for this reason that I am so much worried that this proposed peace deal shall eventually culminate to permanent instability of South Sudan simply because the fragmented entities Riek had been viciously fighting for shall ultimately be the basis of our weakness since such small entities wouldn’t be standing for each other.
However, the idea of substantiating Riek egotistic demands for self-determination of Upper Nile should be dented by devising strategies that should turn them into mere fictions. The horrors of Riek’s two rebellions are multi-folded in characteristic and to project his haughty desires through a transparent prism, it should be acknowledged that the man is madly into deep destruction of the country and hence his ploys are apparently dynamic but stationary in reality and therefore, such desires shouldn’t be taken lightly for they carry significant weight that must be off-lifted with due commitment, shrewdness and possibly with intelligence of incomparable range.
The peace process from what I see is marred with myriads of skeptical insincerities as all that come from IGAD seems tailored by a group not short of Riek Machar as the chief architect. Mr. President, I am worried that a disservice to your disinterest is ongoing and you ought to revisit the list of your trusted regional counterparts for they might be playing a wit to keep you warmhearted but with foul play beneath the table. The proposed agreement as you went through it has despicable content that shouldn’t be entertained. In length, depth and content, the paper has deeply eaten away the national cohesion, and instead it has theoretically fragmented the country into fractions that can be eventually hard to piece even with skills of an angel.
Mr. President, Upper Nile as region doesn’t belong to Riek Machar and his aides. It belongs to South Sudanese and shouldn’t categorically be compromised to a man of unrealistic agenda, one that can surrender it back to his former masters. The masqueraded Riek’s peace proposal is indeed a revelation of his piecemeal ideas that he has routinely been trading across the continent.
Mr. President, it must be rejected. There is nothing criminal in rejection of a bad deal. There is no way a peace process be tainted and then claimed to be genuine on counts that it is lives’ saving. Yes, lives have to be saved and this should be through right peace deal. Those that fight in imposing bad deal are the ones to be accused of not saving lives.
There is no way one can appreciate a purported deal proposed in bad faith. We ought to be cognizant of history and we must not create a bad one. However, Kofi Anan’s six points peace plan on Syria is invariably capable of bringing peace to South Sudan.
Till then, yours truly, Mr. Teetotaler!
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