Words of Appreciation to South Sudanese Communities in Sydney for the Great TEGSP Fundraising Event
Amer Mayen Dhieu, Brisbane, Australia

August 25, 2015 (SSB) — On behalf of Twic East Girls Scholarship Program (TEGSP) team, I send our deepest appreciation to all South Sudanese communities who made our first fundraising event in Sydney a spectacular success story.
In the history of TEGSP, Sydney will remains as the first state that have supported us wholeheartedly.
Not only that, the day was very successful because of the tremendous support from all South Sudanese communities in Canberra and New South Wales. We couldn’t have made it through without their assistance.
In particular, our deepest appreciation goes to Honorable Atem Yaak Atem and his wife; the first lady of Twic East County, Madam Achol Garang Aguer; the president of Twic East community in New South Wales, Deng Malek, and above all, to the entire Twic East Youth.
Overall, we cannot proceed without thanking the most compassionate, humble supportive artists Mike Dee, Victor Awan and Thondit De Canberra, for their dearest support. There is no better word to say thank you.
You truly know what it means to give back to your community when community needs you the most. May God pour his blessing on your ways so you will continue to do best for our communities!!
Being an artist is not just about making your own profit or bringing fantasies to yourself but also about being there for community when community. As you develop and grow in your respective careers, I truly believe that our community have hundred percent faith in you and will always support you in making your decent careers.
To Bor and Duk Communities in Sydney, you have shown an amazing support to Twic East Girls scholarship program. Your present and financial support will always be remembered and appreciated. Our deepest appreciation goes to Marial Mach Aduot and Anyang Gurech Anyang who drove all the way from Victoria.
We are thankful for the huge support you have shown us our dearest neighbors. We can’t do without you.

Sydney fundraising was a huge success. It was not only about the money we raised but also the awareness created and the number of people who have signed up for a long-term monthly donation.
The enthusiasm among the people was amazing, the mood festive and exhilarating and the speeches very encouraging and lively. Our team cannot sometimes fully understand the impact they are making in the community unless they are reminded via speeches as it was done that day.
Thank you so much to the people who have reinvigorated us with words of encouragement.
Lastly, our deepest gratitude goes to the young generation of Twic East Girls—Adol Dau Akoi, Awak Deng and many other young girls who ensured that our guests are served with beverages and comfortably seated in their assigned seats.
Your tireless support give us a hope that when we are gone to pursue our other personal goals, the legacy of Twic East Girls Scholarship project will be inherited by you and the generations to come. We hope we are setting a good example that will put you on a right path to greatness my dear little sisters.
My personal “thank you” message goes to the great team of TEGSP. I couldn’t think of any other best team in the entire world I would wish to work with but you. Your determination, teamwork and professionalism sometimes bring me to tears of joy and gratefulness. I am so grateful that I got a chance to work with you.
I can see the compassion for girls’ education through your determined eyes, for you all know the positivity of being an educated woman. With your immense dedication and unprecedented hard work, we will continue to bring transformational changes to our beloved community of Twic East and South Sudan as a whole.
Once more, let me take this opportunity, on behalf of the TEGSP team, to thank everyone that dedicated their times to come and support us in all aspects of the fundraising event.
May God blessed you all!!
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