IGAD-PLUS peace deal: The rebirth of the two histories
By Kur Wël Kur, Australia

August 26, 2015 (SSB) — Invoking legendary deads, is disturbing their spirits in eternal peace. However, as Africans, we call upon the living-deads in times of difficulties; it’s a wisdom passed down from generations to generations. In this hour, as South Sudanese, we invoke the spirit of Dr. John and other visionary heroes who died for Africans’ freedom.
Freedom to govern ourselves, freedom to treat ourselves of diseases, freedom to choose who to make business with, freedom to worship The gods of their choices in their own ways, freedom to say no to aliens’ cultures, freedom to visit any land (country) in Africa without virtual walls.
As I scribble this line of argument, I haven’t read the other numerous articles that appeared on PaanLuel Wël (Sough Sudanese bloggers) and other sites of its kind so am risking appearing a fool by repeating what others have already said/wrote. Nevertheless, I will write it (my argument) anyway. IGAD is not independent
The death of South Sudan, the death of Self-determination
In 1997, Dr. John Garang made a fundamental statement about Dr. Riek’s quest for self-determination. For the sake of my argument, I copied and pasted the statement below:
“Self-determination is not given, one determine his future, we do have self-determination in the areas we have control, and if you believe that the Khartoum government has given you self-determination, then go back and ask Khartoum to withdraw its troops from the three capital cities of South Sudan–Juba, Malakal and Wau–and I (Garang) promise that I will not attack you. Your claim of self-determination of the South Sudan while in Khartoum means that you have surrendered. I also believe that when the people of South Sudan are given an opportunity to vote in the referendum, they will vote almost 100% for independence,” said Dr. John Garang de Mabior.
Ladies and gentlemen, the times of the above words have arrived, but not in a good faith. John was a visionary and he envisioned the fate of South Sudan in the above quote. How? You may ask. What sieves out of his legendary statement is the finest truth.
A truth, which says, “You can kill SELF DETETERMINATION through SELF DETETERMINATION”. A truth he revealed. So by signing IGAD-PLUS PEACE DEAL, we have agreed to bury South Sudan. How?
IGAD-PLUS PEACE DEAL: the rebirth of Berlin Wall (1st)
Our situations are manifestations of our ideas. Practicing the ideas of Communism, Adolf Hitler went to war in the hope of expanding map of Germany and propagating communisms’ ideologies. He definitely lost the war. His lost was a loss of communism as sustainable type of government. This saddened The Soviet Union, and the cold war emerged.
For biologists especially zoologists, you can recall the ritual fights among the animals and reptiles with lethal weapons/venom. So two angry venomous snakes avoid using their fangs because if one uses its fangs, the other retaliates and both will die. That was what happened in Berlin.
Americans, French, and British occupied West Berlin and the Soviet Union occupied East Berlin, and the Berlin Wall emerged in 1961. A virtual wall for experimenting on the two ideologies: Capitalism versus Communism. It remained for 28 years. Why do I equate IGAD-PLUS with Berlin Wall?
Players change but the game rules remain the same. The rise of China is sending a panicking waves across the globe especially to Super powers. Any time from now, any war, cold or physical war will break out between America and China.
China plays it cool though America has encircled it: the presence of Americans in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea speaks volumes. This means signing this peace is a rebirth of Berlin Wall in South Sudan.
Americans will guide Dr. Riek with oil and Chinese oil facilities and China will either choose to exit South Sudan or start drilling the Jonglei’s oil reserves. And if this happens, South Sudan will remain separated for ages.
What will happen if two leaders (especially Dr. Riek) reach out to unite South Sudan against the will of American administration?
The idea of “New and One Sudan” killed Dr. John Garang (2nd).
Dr. John was big for the world, bigger for Africa, biggest for East Africa, and among the greatest visionaries in Sudan. He was impossible to contain so the ill-wishers killed him.

by PaanLuel Wël (Author)
My friend, Chief PaanLuel Wël, titled a book: “Who killed Dr. Garang“. He gathered information to answer this question and after answering it, the next question will be why?
Definitely, some people wanted Omar Hassan Al Bashir isolated so John was becoming an obstacle with his ideology of “New Sudan”.
Dr. John died in the campaign of his “New and United Sudan” ideology. Dr. Riek will meet the same fate if he reaches out for the unity of South Sudan after signing thus peace.
Believe it or not. Do I wish death for Dr. Riek? Not at all, not in the light of my argument, and God forbids.
My argument is: think twice for this peace, twice for South Sudan.
God bless you.
The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to paanluel2011@gmail.com. SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.