Free Roots
By Mayen Ayarbior
Free Roots
Onto a pitch-dark chamber
They looked down upon me
And probed
Who are you!?
They paternalistically asked I
Why call me-self Ayarbior
The giant white bull
Son of Tong Kuol Mayar Ayog
Burning spear of night shifters
Dear cousin of Ngundeng
Legend of Kuac leopards
Ruthless slayer of Abduljaliil
The commander of prophet Mahadi
Slave trader of his time
They queried me again, why?
Use that name
Of the grandfather of Dengdit
Humble teacher of great men
Rider of the wind
Builder of that bridge
Irrigator of countless grains
Shining sun of darkness
Lightening eyes of rain
Son of Mayen Amet
For whom I am named
They pulled me up the dungeon
My torturers and brutal jailers
McManaman T.F.L Braveheart and
Louis Arthur Smith then appeared
Throwing heads down
Leisurely loosing strength
As they discerned that Quintus
The prodigious whelp
Cassius Augustus and I
Were siblings
Miles from Rome
Mayen D.M.A Ayarbior, Yei – 1999