PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Cry the Beloved Nuba

2 min read

By Taban Abel Aguek

Happy New Year 2015 Junubeen

Cry the Beloved Nuba

This’ not a distant voice from Cuba

But another helpless cry from Juba

A cry to the Allah and Messiah, the ‘Yakoba’.

Mankind listened not to plea in Darfur,

Where human life was crushed like an animal fur

Under the world’s watchful eyes Darfur is gone

Destroyed, famished, finished it’s burnt dry and brown.

Now the turn is for the proud people of the mountains;

Their turn to suffer at the devil’s fountains

Women and children are killed

Their hope, their future is spilled.

Each day, just everyday

They expect a devil pay

From the sky the pay is in bomb

War sky nothing can be pomp.

Women are paid in kind

But a pay that heavenly doesn’t bind

For it’s not in Juba pounds but rape

And for them there’s left no hiding cape.

Children go no school

And the world stays cool.

Just like life in an aquatic pool

Only the fittest continue to pull.

The sick die of disease

And the architects of their suffering get their peace

Those still alive think the dead are free

But with death you can rush in a spree.

So, Cry Oh Beloved Nuba

For you I cry from Juba

To Allah I said ‘Inshallah’

But still there has been no even a single ‘Ballah’

So, Cry Oh Beloved Nuba

I ceased to look nowhere here in my ‘rakuba’

From above, God no more delivers manna

And from humanity, no trust of any manner.

So, Cry Oh Beloved Nuba Cry

But accept not the strings of your soul loose and fry

Even if there’s no hope from Gods, from worlds, from me in Juba

Cry Oh Cry the Beloved Nuba.

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