The paradox of regional peace campaigners in South Sudan
By Peter Mach Makeer, Juba, South Sudan

September 27, 2015 (SSB) — About a week ago, a coup was announced in the west African state of Burkina Faso by the unit Loyal to the former president, the republican guards,( just like ours),who had intended to receive the backing just like the one given to the failed coup plotters of South Sudan by the IGAD (regional power house), Africa and the world,
But no, they were mistaken, they were made to step down and instead reinstated back the president they had managed to arrest, which leaves them so vulnerable, this is West Africa under ECOWAS and Burkinabe to that specification, not East (ern) Africa, IGAD and South Sudan.
Almost two years ago, our beloved country south Sudan descended deep into civil war brought about by the power hungry individuals headed by Dr. Riek and Mama Rebecca with both regional and international community fully behind them, as the coup failed later, international community beat off the Government from calling it a failed coup.
America was the first to deny any evidence of the coup in the country, this rushed defense made obvious what American motive towards south Sudan was on that fateful night, Kenya come in full force to offer Dr. Riek the much needed red carpet reception he craved for since 1991.
Ethiopia gave him (Dr. Machar) the base for his militia formation( no immediate justifications), As for the Sudan, I cannot talk about, only Uganda in the region acted differently and have since declared her position publicly that, she will support the Government in Juba for a stability to reign in the region. What wise choice!
From the hearsay, one prominent leader during the intense negotiations in Addis, asked, if in any event that one of the IGAD member state would find herself in the situation of South Sudan will she signed such an agreement? Asked the honorable,
The truth is that, no country would sign such invasion into a binding document capable of becoming a reference material later on in the near future.
As is the case now in west Africa, the coup leaders, after realizing that no one in the region stood with them, became so ashamed and as a result, handed over the power to the very person they had detained, which opened their own detention.
They are now referring to the “military takeover” as a waste of time in an attempt to lessen their crime before the very master they had humiliated before. That is how the civilized Africa under AU and IGAD has just acted. Different country, different approach, yet the same AU constitution
African union, the very power house entrusted with sovereign protection of her member states has acted less than a proud concubine to the western powers and America to be specific, it seem like, there Is no constitution governing the African Union in Addis Ababa. For her (AU) to act, the ruling and directives must come from the husband (America) with whom they are not legally married. (Separate continents)
it also became obvious that Burkinabe’s beauty (natural resources endowment) has not yet caught the attention of the to be “Husband”, otherwise, how do we explain the two scenarios whereby one (Burkina Faso coup leaders) who have managed to dislodged their president from the power and got forced to hand back the power to the very person.
While on the other hand (South Sudan’s Gat Machar and the followers) a failing man who is unable to convinced his own birth place’s members to side with him is being elevated so high to the point that he co chairs in every aspect of the Juba leadership in this anticipated merger.
Today, if for any reasons, one is doubting America’s hand in the destruction of South Sudan, then look critically, how many Nuers are still in the Government holding their positions, how many counties does Riek Machar control in the greater upper Nile for him to Co chair in the country’s leadership? The rationale behind the coup was to rule south Sudan through use of force, not ballot, which to me excites America leadership in Washington.
This will also informed us about how much, if put together, is the Nuers’ total fraction in the country for them to be given this fifty-fifty compromise even if all had sided with Gat Machar?
Anybody will think that our government negotiators failed to bring to light all this compelling evident before the mediation team in order for us to arrive at what is proudly referred to as comprehensive peace (myself included).
But no, they have proved beyond reasonable doubt that Gat Machar staged a failed coup in Juba on the 15th December of 2013 (something punishable according to AU constitution), failed to unite Nuers under him for a meaning full Guerilla, that his militias named white armies have committed untold crimes in Bor twice and other place in the country, that he was in a sinking boat as was to be prove in the disintegration of his forces.
Did mediators give them the hearing? No.
This is to say that, once you are so beautiful “below” (naturally endowed) and acting like you do have a choice of which yours for the baby making is (a partner in development), your choice for a husband without alternative is the great America.
This also brings us closure to the conclusion that democracy, dictatorship, human right violations and coup are best defined by the America, not you, not me but the great Americans, what a shame!!!
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