Col. Lony T. Ngundeng: Riek Machar is Confusing the Nuer Community with his Meaningless Promotions
Date: 27th September 2015
From: Col. Lony T. Ngundeng- Spokesperson South Sudan Armed Forces (SSAF)
International Media Houses

Subject: Dr. Riek Machar alleged promotions
Reference to the above mentioned subject regarding Dr. Machar’s promotions to senior army commanders in SPLM/A- IO. May the public observe the following contradictions carefully:
1) The decision has no structural basis since Nasir conference never provided constitutional forum for it lacked a formal representation of the Nuer people or South Sudanese in general neither on regional or ethnic lines ( majority of attendants were those who fled from Malakal, and his body guards who escorted him from Juba). In other words people from Lou Nuer-Pangak-Ayod-Bantiu or equatorians were not part of Nasir Conference). The mandate was an ad-ok incident that to follow other structural formation of the movement that did not happened up to date. Pagak 1 and 2 were diverted as peace forums but never encountered any formation process of the movement Dr. Machar is fooling the world with Nasir conference as basis of his IO formation and his decision making.
2) Why should Dr. Machar refers to position of South Sudan Vice President in promotion of rebels leaders when he knows that Addis Ababa Peace Agreement has not yet been endorsed or imparted into South Sudan Constitution and he himself has not yet been inaugurated into the Vice presidency at such early stage of the Agreement. Is it a lack of consistency, political ignorance or confusion? May be both
3) Dr. Machar thinks he is smart by promoting General Simon Garwech Dual and General Johnson Ulony when he knows that; these generals are not part of his I-O army since they refused this agreement before him and are now part of South Sudan Armed forces fighting against the SPLM/A.
Who are you fooling my friend- shame.
4) As stipulated in the current Agreement Government of South Sudan under Kiir Mayardit the government sticks to Dam Records of General headquarters in which all promotions outside this military structure will not be compromised will be considered Null and void, where are you going to take your false promotions. More over Dr. Machar did you forget the CPA experience with your body guards, had it not been General Paulion Matip who integrated your body guards in 2006 where would you take them?
5) As for those poor Nuer whom Dr. Machar deceives today as separate army under his command, be informed that; historically when Machar gets his position his dreams are achieved he chiefly sells anyone else better prepare yourself for the tragic fate that awaits you after 18 months. The mindful South Sudanese should think twice these falsified positions are just rat traps will be smutch to dust thereafter.
6) Dr. Machar promoted Major General James Koang Chol Ranlay to Lt.General and called him Commander of special Division (1), a none existence Division, he love giving titles such force is not anywhere, and these senior officers accept them just for fun because Dr. Riek have no single trained soldier, the forces that came from Juba melted into their families white army organizations. If he failed in two years to trained organized army forces, how can he conclude such peace Agreement and assume to produce discipline useful forces in 18 months.
7) In reference to global standard of military ethnical organization Dr. Riek has promoted two 1st Lt Generals including himself, 9 Lt. Generals, and hundreds of major generals. How many soldiers would that forces be, by divisions is almost greater than the government forces, how many training centers you need to train them in 18 months? How much logistic supplies you need in money terms? Necessary armaments, including how much time you need for their training. But worth of all the government has vowed for evasion of the White Army is another pending war.
All these signify that Dr. Riek has no clue of military organization or he is fooling his comrades with these ranks for sake of winning them to peace patrol, tomorrow any of them will mind his business he does not care since he has eliminated the most notorious trained Nuer commanders of these values.
Is not the first time Dr. Machar confused the Nuer people with 21 Federal States without constitutional reference in which some Nuer intellectuals became victims of this inconsistency but when peace attained he shamelessly reversed back to ten states without explanation, and nobody ever dare to ask him of such discrepancies since his followers are opportunist who just mind of their interests and do not care of the entire poor Nuer people, there is something wrong with Dr. Riek and his followers.